Nikon D70-50

Dec 4, 2004
Grand Rapids, Michigan
What is the diffrence b/w the 70 and the 50 im looking at all the aspects but im not catching much diffrence other than price. any one that knows much about these could you help out. Thanks
Hi Kurt.

I have put together a comparison, on, it's a great resource for Digital Camera Reviews, the link here will compare them side by side based on features.

Now, for full reviews please go to these links,

Nikon D50:

Nikon D70:

I advise reading the fullness of eash review, and I would also, look at sample pictures, to compare both as well, and also be sure to use the compared to menu. You should be able to figure it out.

Here is another GREAT resource, for what you want. Remember Kurt, it is good to read more than one sites opinions about a camera.



What I like about the second site I sent you, is that it has a feature called -- 'Sample Pictures'. Which gives you the full version -- unedited of each camera's images, which is useful, if your looking to compare color/noise etc.

Hope This Helps!
To be fair, you should really be comparing the D50 with the D70s. The D70 has been discontinued. Here's a resource I recently used:

I went with the D50, mainly due to price ($739 at Adaroma with 18-55 mm lens package about a month ago). The only real feature I would have like to have on the D50 that the D70s didn't have was the capability to fire off a remote flash not wired to the camera - actually have to buy *two* flash units to do this with the D50.
I don't think the D70 has been discontinued. Actually, I'm quite sure it has not. Kurt, I would no buy a D70s, your pretty much, paying for the 'S' at the end. There is nothing really changed except the firmware, and you can get the update for the new firmware on the D70 free!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I said tonight that i will not get a new camera instead a new chase vehicle is a better route to go. Instead of paying 5-700 bucks on a camera in which i already have one just not diggy. i can put that money to something more important like a car. If i aint got one of those what good is a camera on a chase. Its not because i wont be on a chase.

Thank you for all your input though it is much apprechaited.
Sorry if I gloat here.
I just picked up a Nikon D70-S with the 17-80 mm and 70-300 mm lenses plust a crapload of goodies (camera bag, High Speed Compact Flash Reader, 256 Mb High Speed Flash, full size tripod, LED screen protectors, CapKeeper) for $949.
I'm soooo happy.
And I got it for the price you would pay just for the BODY of the standard D70 on some sites.
He he he...
I'm really looking forward to using that remote control time exposure/flash ability in the field this spring. :twisted:
Originally posted by Mark Farnik
Sorry if I gloat here.
I just picked up a Nikon D70-S with the 17-80 mm and 70-300 mm lenses plust a crapload of goodies (camera bag, High Speed Compact Flash Reader, 256 Mb High Speed Flash, full size tripod, LED screen protectors, CapKeeper) for $949.
I'm soooo happy.
And I got it for the price you would pay just for the BODY of the standard D70 on some sites.
He he he...
I'm really looking forward to using that remote control time exposure/flash ability in the field this spring. :twisted:

Dude....are you bloody serious?! If that is true, then who ever you bought it from got themselves ripped off....bad. I mean it's good for you of course, LOL. I need a tripod very badly as well? Mark, where did you come along such an outstanding almost doesn't seem real to me. How can all that stuff be that cheap....the body ALONE, is more expensive that all that stuff put together, in reality....lucky guy you are.
Mark, you might need to be warned about this, and who you bought it from. The offer is VERY tempting, isn't it? It's hard to pass up, right? But, please consider thi,s I believe that deal is, 'to good to be true', and perhaps that company is selling 'Knock Off's' that case, you would be getting a REALLY do not want. And yo may have a surprise for you when it comes in the mail.
Yea, that doesn't sound remotely legit for new equipment.

Go to a stand up shop like and look at their prices. Add up the items on the invoice; if your price is more than 5% lower than B+H's, your parents likely got gyped somewhere along the line.

Give Chris C.'s tale of woe a read and be ready to call the credit card peeps and cancel.

Oh, shit. I just read your other post. Express Camera is NOT the place to buy.

I suggest you call the credit card people now! Cancel the order.

Originally posted by Greg Campbell
Yea, that doesn't sound remotely legit for new equipment.

Oh, ########. I just read your other post. Express Camera is NOT the place to buy.

I suggest you call the credit card people now! Cancel the order.


Yes, it's never a good sign when the top 3 are...

"I too was scammed by these bums. Fortunately my credit card promises to reimburse me.... Only once before did I ever get scammed like this, and it was another gang of Russians punks in Brooklyn (selling me a bad mattress). ... Please, stay away from Express Camera. They are crooks pure and simple. "

"Don't buy from Express Cameras! ... All in all they scammed me for almost $1000. Don't be as naive as I was. Beware of Express Cameras"

"This company will rake you over the coals and drain your blood dry. I could never imagine that an Internet business could be so deceptive and cunning. Bait and switch was their ploy. "
I knew just couldn't be true. Mark, get it cancelled...QUICK. They'll probably do the, "We're Closed Scam", too. Hope it all works out well. For further information, I usually like to do a background check on the company I am buying from, just to be sure....
OH Jesus H. Christ! Well that's just f***ing great. :evil: I tried to get a digital rebel a while back from a different company, which wound up being a "gray market" scam. I did a background check and couldn't find anything horrible about them so I thought it was safe. My mom called them yesterday and they tried to hustle her into buying more stuff, but she put her foot down and said no way so they reluctantly agreed to process the order. If my camera doesn't show up I'm going to first call the BBB and report them. Then I'm buying a plane ticket to New Jersey to bash some Mafia heads together. :twisted:
I hate the f***ing Mafia. They're nothing but dirty useless greasy no good sons of bitches who live the high life they don't deserve by f***ing everybody else up the ass and expecting you to thank them for the privilege.
Why can nothing ever be simple???
Now I'm not so sure I'll even be able to get a camera. My folks can't afford to spend a few hundred more bucks. Damn it to hell!