New Texas Law - No Wireless in School Zones

Dec 23, 2004
Mesquite, TX
Just be sure you are phoning (via bluetooth), not texting, a tornado report when caught in a school zone! Here is a new Texas law effective 1 September 2009:

  • HB 55 makes it illegal to use a wireless communication device in a school zone unless the vehicle is stopped or a hands-free device is used. Cities or counties wanting to enforce this law must post a sign at the beginning of each school zone to inform drivers that using a wireless communications device is prohibited and the operator is subject to a fine. It is a defense to prosecution if the operator was making an emergency call.
In Chicago, IL they already passed that law. There is a big hoopla regarding Amateur Radio Ops however and whether or not they can stop a licensed op from using their radio since it is not hands free. I guess they recently made an amendment stating that you must have HAM radio license plates in order for it to be okay. Those are expensive. I got stopped in the loop at an intersection, during a red light because I picked up the mic and made a contact while in the city. The officer walked over to me and told me to pull around the corner. I asked what i did wrong and he said I was not using a hands free device.(instant $200 fine). I about snarked in my pants. I preceeded to tell him I was a HAM op and a local ARES member. He pretty much blew it off. I showed him my FCC license and IDs and he said to take it up with the judge. So I did. It got tossed out but I lost a day of work because of it. I understand where they are coming from, but does it have to be that extreme? Seriously?
Colorado's goes into effect on December 1, 2009. The new law bans adults from texting while driving. For drivers 18 and under, using a cell phone in any way while behind the wheel will be illegal.
cell phone usage while operating a motor vehicle should be outlawed PERIOD. it is distracting, and takes the drivers full focus off the road, even when using a hands free bluetooth device, and makes for a dangerous situation.
cell phone usage while operating a motor vehicle should be outlawed PERIOD. it is distracting, and takes the drivers full focus off the road, even when using a hands free bluetooth device, and makes for a dangerous situation.
But but but but but using Spotter Network and GrlevelX and video cameras and and and while we're hunting tornadoes is ok, right?
But but but but but using Spotter Network and GrlevelX and video cameras and and and while we're hunting tornadoes is ok, right?

No, it's not! Mobile phone usage whilst driving (excepting hands-free kits/Bluetooth, etc) has been outlawed in the UK for a number of years now, and rightly so. It's been proved that it causes distraction whilst driving, to a dangerous and sometimes deadly degree. If you're behind the wheel, you should be concentrating on driving.
This law is for cell phone usage and will be very limited in its usage. Each city will decide if they want to enforce this law and then have to post warnings at the schools they choose to enforce it at. It wont be for every school and a laptop is a hands free device so its exempt anyway. Its purpose is soley to get people off their cell and pay attention to the kids crossing the street. Also it will only be for times when kids will be out of class like the 20mph speed limit. Its only in effect for an hour before and after school.

not to mention I doubt may of us will be chasing in a school zone during the school year.
So it's OK for people to not be paying attention when they're away from a school zone?! ;)

Fines double in road construction zones in Nebraska, too. So in Nebraska we value the lives of school children AND road construction workers. The rest of us are on our own.

Some grandstanding politician should start a movement to double salaries in school zones. ;)
cell phone usage while operating a motor vehicle should be outlawed PERIOD.

Because the government telling us what to do is really what we want? Personally I would rather they leave the decision up to me on whether or not I'd like to be reckless. If I caused injuries in an accident, though, I would expect there to be some pretty harsh penalties.
Because the government telling us what to do is really what we want? Personally I would rather they leave the decision up to me on whether or not I'd like to be reckless. If I caused injuries in an accident, though, I would expect there to be some pretty harsh penalties.

I agree...the problem is not too many people would accept the consequences when they F up. People always have to point the finger and figure out how it was the other persons fault.
So it's OK for people to not be paying attention when they're away from a school zone?! ;)

I was speaking of the legal aspect of the law not the moral part. I think everybody should have to use hands free cell devices. As for laptops. It is an extreme minority that actually use laptops in their vehicles. Cops, utilities, chasers...and even fewer while driving like chasers so thats not even worth legislating. Thats better left to common sense.

And this whole topic has to do with the law IN school zones so it will have a very negligible effect on chasers so why even bother worrying about it?

As for the argument about hands free laws nationwide.. I think the studies showing that talking on a cell phone increases your chance of a wreck to the same level as DUI says enough. We wont even get into texting which increases your chances by 6x over driving drunk!!

It was so much easier when we had those 3watt monster cells mounted to our dashes with a built in mic and speaker.
It was so much easier when we had those 3watt monster cells mounted to our dashes with a built in mic and speaker.

Man I loved mine, best phone I ever owned. I'd still be using it if it hadn't bit the dust in 2000.
Because the government telling us what to do is really what we want? Personally I would rather they leave the decision up to me on whether or not I'd like to be reckless. If I caused injuries in an accident, though, I would expect there to be some pretty harsh penalties.
It isn't about government telling you what to do, as much as it is about the government protecting the children, teachers, parents from people like you (well, offenders) from taking a life, because liability exists. Also, it is freedom to live that trumps your freedom to use electronics. I'd say yes, the government has every right to dictate such a law....and I think it should include chasers, not exempt. If you don't violate the law, then there isn't any problem right. Do we really need to bring the thread about speeding back to discuss this!
Because the government telling us what to do is really what we want? Personally I would rather they leave the decision up to me on whether or not I'd like to be reckless. If I caused injuries in an accident, though, I would expect there to be some pretty harsh penalties.

If you caused injuries in an accident, Ben, I would expect there to be some pretty harsh penalties, too-those inflicted upon those people killed or maimed by your recklessness. I doubt that anything meted out by the courts would compare. And you would pay for lifetime care for a paralyzed or brain-damaged victim, who can no longer support a family? Chances are, not. Your insurance company, or theirs, would. And governmental agencies. And so the rest of us end up paying for it.

Just so it's clear, Ben, I'm not attacking you personally-I have no idea if you drive recklessly or not. I'm just framing a reply to the last two sentances in your post.

Unfortunately, the law that we're all subject to out there is the law of unintended consequences.

Keep the faith
In Chicago, IL they already passed that law. There is a big hoopla regarding Amateur Radio Ops however and whether or not they can stop a licensed op from using their radio since it is not hands free. I guess they recently made an amendment stating that you must have HAM radio license plates in order for it to be okay. Those are expensive. I got stopped in the loop at an intersection, during a red light because I picked up the mic and made a contact while in the city. The officer walked over to me and told me to pull around the corner. I asked what i did wrong and he said I was not using a hands free device.(instant $200 fine). I about snarked in my pants. I preceeded to tell him I was a HAM op and a local ARES member. He pretty much blew it off. I showed him my FCC license and IDs and he said to take it up with the judge. So I did. It got tossed out but I lost a day of work because of it. I understand where they are coming from, but does it have to be that extreme? Seriously?

I'm looking at this as an avid CB user, and my cell phone bluetooth is networked through my CB and wondering about this being too far too. I have nothing against someone texting or with a phone glued to their sholder getting a fine in a school zone (I've nearly been killed trying to pull into my school by someone running a red), but come on, there's gotta be some common sense in legislation and enforcement. I'm glad that got thrown out for you.

Piggy backing onto Ben's comment, and the ones after that ... if you make consequences of being dumb and driving recklessly or distracted (of which there are already laws everywhere for), people would stop doing it, just as if a new law were passed (possibly more so). For example, to an extreme, if you shot everyone's foot off who drove drunk, less would do it.

I just wonder why the laws that are already on the books and that cover distracted driving aren't used like they should be ... and instead more laws to specifically point out cell phones are used. If you're driving distracted, you are already breaking the law - just enforce that one.
Because the government telling us what to do is really what we want? Personally I would rather they leave the decision up to me on whether or not I'd like to be reckless. If I caused injuries in an accident, though, I would expect there to be some pretty harsh penalties.

unfortunately people are too ignorant to figure it out for themselves what they should and shouldn't be doing while driving a vehicle, so the government has to do it for us because the average person is nothing more than a 5 year old in an adult body who needs to be told what to do.


drivers should be focused on the road, paying attention to their rearview mirrors, sideview mirrors and what's in front of them, NOT TRYING TO TALK ON THE DAMN PHONE WHILE DRIVING, not putting on makeup, not texting, not digging around in the backseat with one hand while looking over their shoulder, and trying to drive at the same time, not brushing their hair.

if you need to talk, pull off at the nearest exit, and into a parking lot, make your phone call, then resume driving after you have completed your call.

People are too lazy to pull it over and be safe for themselves and for the other drivers on the road. And IMO, if cops see anyone driving while distracted, they should pull 'em over, and give them a reckless driving ticket, and it should count 6 points against their license, non-amendable, no questions asked.

Driving is dangerous enough as it is without people driving while distracted. Why should we allow it to become even more dangerous by letting idiots talk on cell phones/radio devices while driving?

It isn't about government telling you what to do, as much as it is about the government protecting the children, teachers, parents from people like you (well, offenders) from taking a life, because liability exists. Also, it is freedom to live that trumps your freedom to use electronics. I'd say yes, the government has every right to dictate such a law....and I think it should include chasers, not exempt. If you don't violate the law, then there isn't any problem right. Do we really need to bring the thread about speeding back to discuss this!

well spoke Jason.
Here's the actual text of the Texas bill in case anyone is interested.

e) This section does not apply to:
(1) an operator of an authorized emergency vehicle
using a wireless communication device while acting in an official
capacity; or
(2) an operator who is licensed by the Federal
Communications Commission while operating a radio frequency device
other than a wireless communication device.
(f) This section preempts all local ordinances, rules, or
regulations that are inconsistent with specific provisions of this
section adopted by a political subdivision of this state relating
to the use of a wireless communication device by the operator of a
motor vehicle.

F was good because a few of the municipalities here in Denton County were banning ANY communications device in their laws. Not a good thing when you are driving a rolling porcupine like a few of my peers. :p

I don't see why anyone would have an issue with the law. I mean, how long are most school zones...a couple of blocks? What could possibly be so important it can't wait 2 minutes for a person to put their phone down, pass through the school zone and pick it back up?
You forgot about the one that annoys me the most. SMOKING while driving. You don't see any bans on that. Couple that with the phone and makeup. I've seen it during drive time in the morning.

drivers should be focused on the road, paying attention to their rearview mirrors, sideview mirrors and what's in front of them, NOT TRYING TO TALK ON THE DAMN PHONE WHILE DRIVING, not putting on makeup, not texting, not digging around in the backseat with one hand while looking over their shoulder, and trying to drive at the same time, not brushing their hair.

if you need to talk, pull off at the nearest exit, and into a parking lot, make your phone call, then resume driving after you have completed your call.
I don't see why anyone would have an issue with the law. I mean, how long are most school zones...a couple of blocks? What could possibly be so important it can't wait 2 minutes for a person to put their phone down, pass through the school zone and pick it back up?

Not to mention the fact that the law is effect only during school hours which is about 745am to 4pm not 24/7/365

Schools are out and the school zones return to nomal zones by 4pm daily and school is out by the end of May. Plus most school zones are in residnetial areas not main roads/highways. The odds of even being in a school zone chasing before 4pm is low. Not to mention the fact if there is severe wx affecting the area your in people are going to be more worried about that than whether your on a phone calling it in.
I don't see why anyone would have an issue with the law. I mean, how long are most school zones...a couple of blocks?

I agree. And you have to slow down to 20 MPH in the school zones anyway. If you are on your phone, you're probably going to miss that and get a $300 speeding ticket anyway.

I can't wait until all cell phone use is banned while driving, everywhere.