New Nikon Gear

Jun 21, 2004
Waltham, MA
Hot on the heels of Canon announcing their new Q3 products, Nikon has announced two new offerings to their advanced dSLR line. The D300 is the replacement for the late-2005 model D200, while the D3 is meant to replace the D2X/D2H line and is Nikon's first full-frame (i.e. no crop factor) dSLR.

Some of the D300 features:
12 mp
self-cleaning sensor
6 fps continuous (8 with battery pack)
Live View (although I don't comprehend the motivation for live view in an SLR :confused:)
Full press release is here:
DPReview has a good summary of new features as well:

D3 Features:
Full frame 12 mp
9 fps on continuous AF, 10 without
3" LCD with Live View
HD-out capable
Press release:
DPReview article:

In addition, Nikon has announced the lauching of several new lenses, including an updated version of their popular 24-70 f/2.8G ED and new versions of the 400, 500, and 600 mm primes.

I personally am very pleased that they were finally able to produce a pro-quality FF camera, something Canon folks have been able to enjoy for quite some time now. Also, the D300 should drive down the price of the existing D200 to a range where my wife will allow me to purchase one :D
Amazing. I've been waiting for the new D90 (if that will ever happen) from Nikon but guess their line to go is the new D300. Can not wait to get my hands on it, especially for lightning photography. Time to move up from 6mp sensor. Great news.
Amazing. I've been waiting for the new D90 (if that will ever happen) from Nikon but guess their line to go is the new D300. Can not wait to get my hands on it, especially for lightning photography. Time to move up from 6mp sensor. Great news.

The D80 has only been out for about a year now, so you probably will be waiting a bit for a D90. Anyways, you won't really see much improvement over 6mp on a DX sized sensor. If you've spent the money on a dSLR and are wanting more, I personally would spend more on the glass I'm putting in front of it. That and shooting skill will likely help more than just bumping the next up in the prosumer dSLR market. The next jump is to go full-frame, but that's quite a jump in $$, though likely worth it if you're really in to photography.

The D80 has only been out for about a year now, so you probably will be waiting a bit for a D90. Anyways, you won't really see much improvement over 6mp on a DX sized sensor. If you've spent the money on a dSLR and are wanting more, I personally would spend more on the glass I'm putting in front of it. That and shooting skill will likely help more than just bumping the next up in the prosumer dSLR market. The next jump is to go full-frame, but that's quite a jump in $$, though likely worth it if you're really in to photography.


DSLR is a great tool for lightning photography. For my purposes, there is a good difference between 6.1 and 12.3 MP sensor. Will allow much more when it comes to cropping and size of a final custom print. Believe me I am not for buying every new DSLR that hits the market, majority of important events I still shoot and will for a long time on my medium format Mamiya, no comparison there. My reasoning is basically to have a second DSLR body and D300 looks like a good candidate and a way to step up. :)
DSLR is a great tool for lightning photography. For my purposes, there is a good difference between 6.1 and 12.3 MP sensor. Will allow much more when it comes to cropping and size of a final custom print. Believe me I am not for buying every new DSLR that hits the market, majority of important events I still shoot and will for a long time on my medium format Mamiya, no comparison there. My reasoning is basically to have a second DSLR body and D300 looks like a good candidate and a way to step up. :)

The D200 I have is incredible for lightning photography, given the cropping latitude I have that Martin alludes to. I don't even crack the D70 anymore for lightning given the MP difference and subsequent cropping flexibility... but still do for general landscapes/stormscapes. You can't exactly compose a perfect lightning shot, so cropping is an absolute must most of the time. The more MP the better when it comes to lightning, I fully agree! I probably won't get the D300 (or perhaps the D3) for another year and a half or so.. in time for chase season '09. There's some other goodies I'd like to purchase between now and a new body.... like one of those lenses! Holy cow, I am drooling over the 500 f/4 prime VR... its about time Nikon competes with Canon in the IS/VR ultra telephoto market.