New moderators: David Drummond and Scott Olson

Dec 4, 2003
David Drummond and Scott Olson are our new moderators. David, of course, won the popular vote by a landslide. Scott not only was the top pick in internal discussion amongst the existing moderator team, but rose to the top of our secondary user poll. As both candidates are from Lubbock and South Dakota, respectively, this balances our team nicely as we were discovering we had too many OU/Normanites staffing the board.

Congratulations both.

David, you already have my congratulations earlier. Of course I'll do my best to make your tenure a challange! :D

Scott, Congrats and good luck! I know you will do a great job! Just keep David in check, and you'll do fine. :p

John Diel
Drummond's a moderator? There goes the board! LOL! :lol: Just kidding David. Congratulations! Man, don't know how you can do all the moderating and keep up with Dryline too!
Drummond's a moderator? There goes the board! LOL! :lol: Just kidding David. Congratulations! Man, don't know how you can do all the moderating and keep up with Dryline too!

Yeah, you better watch you step now Bill!! :lol: :twisted: Thanks! Simple, I don't. :wink: But I try my best! Actually, most of the time when I was moderator before, it was easy, because I come here several times a day usually to read's a good break from working.