New digital camera suggestions

Smart choice there, Joel. That camera has outperformed my Rebel XT so far! Although I am getting better with it, a point and shoot is much simpler to pull out and take a quick snap without messing around with aperture and metering settings. As far as quality goes, it really doesn't matter I am quickly finding out. When comparing the quality of my Kodak CX7525 with my new Rebel, I actually would lean more toward the Kodak. It is a great 5 MP camera. The only time it makes a difference is if you want to print out a large picture, which I haven't done yet. The A620 is perfect for you.
Smart choice there, Joel. That camera has outperformed my Rebel XT so far! Although I am getting better with it, a point and shoot is much simpler to pull out and take a quick snap without messing around with aperture and metering settings. As far as quality goes, it really doesn't matter I am quickly finding out. When comparing the quality of my Kodak CX7525 with my new Rebel, I actually would lean more toward the Kodak. It is a great 5 MP camera. The only time it makes a difference is if you want to print out a large picture, which I haven't done yet. The A620 is perfect for you.

Heya -- I'd just like to point out that, properly used, a digital SLR will nearly always outperform it's P&S cousin. A rebel XT will easily outperform a P&S, at least on paper. You do have to fiddle sometimes with aperature & shutter, but then that's the art of photography. :) That said, my guess is that the high-end P&S cameras come with a not-half-bad lens built into them. The Rebel XT kit lens is garbage. Slap a $800 L lens on it and it will take pictures that will blow you away!
Oh yeah, I'm sure of it! I am still relatively new in the SLR world, so I know they will only get better. With that said, I opted to buy a kit that did not include the standard kit lens. Instead it came with a Sigma 28-70, which isn't a huge step up but is better than the original kit lens. Some prices of lenses out there just completely blow me away. Alot are actually MORE than the camera cost itself. I just started shooting in FULL manual, and the pictures have been gradually getting better. But, like I said, there is nothing wrong with P&S cameras either. I have seen some incredibly high quality pics produced from them before.
It's actually better to invest the $$$ in the lenses. They retain value much better. For instance, I purchased a D30 in 2001 fro $2k. It's now worth maybe $300. At the same time I purchased some used L glass. I ended up selling them for MORE than what I paid for.

Wow, that is very interesting. Maybe with next years income tax return check I can head out and pick one up. It's kind of tricky to have numerous hobbies while trying to save up for a home :(
I'd recomend a Nikon D50. However, if you could spring for it go for a D70. You have more control over exposure. If your more into snap and shoot then the D50 would be just fine yet still allowing you to experiment with exposure.
A GREAT lens that works with both Nikon, Sigma, Canon and Pentax Mounts, is the Sigma 10-20mm HSM UWA Lens...I am getting it a week or two myself! This lens should be great for storm chasing, being such an ultra wide angle.
Andrew, I'd be interested in how your lens turns out. I just bought a Canon Digital Rebel XT myself, and being that I'll be learning as I go, I'd be interested to hear what what others have to say about the different lenses they use on their DSLRs.

Andrew, I'd be interested in how your lens turns out. I just bought a Canon Digital Rebel XT myself, and being that I'll be learning as I go, I'd be interested to hear what what others have to say about the different lenses they use on their DSLRs.


I actually posted a review on this already a little further down the threads in this forum -- basically, it's probably a great lens if you get a good copy, but there are some pervasive quality control issues with this lens and apparently more than a few bad copies floating around. Make sure you check the sharpness on BOTH edges if you get this lens; mine was very soft on the right side and pretty sharp on the left, meaning that the lens was manufactured incorrectly. There are several people posting about this exact problem if you Google around, meaning it's not an isolated issue.