I think this situation needs to be handled very delicately. As it is, LE/storm chaser relations are quite fragile. Those involved need to get in contact with the LE agency in West Texas whom this officer works for and try to work out some sort of compromise before going public (this is the internet, so it somewhat is public already). I say this because more than likely this officer became agitated after certain events unfolded involving bad driving and other practices which those in the area at the time witnessed other chasers do. This officer took things too far when he called up a chasers boss with false claims. Basically I think the approach that needs to be taken is this: (1) We as storm chasers need to acknowledge that there are a very few (but there are) chasers who act carelessly while chasing. However, most of us follow the law and chase in a very safe manner. (2) The officer who took things too far needs to be punished adequately.
The reason for this compromise approach is that storm chasers, spotters, news media, and law enforcement will generally be the only ones in the area of storms. Whether its justified or not, LE will tend place the blame on the first two because they want to keep things from going public (news media would definitely.) Its better for those chasing storms for whatever reason and LE to have a good relationship. I think the May 28th incident was an officer who was either informed or witnessed some unlawful behavior on part of a few storm chasers, combined with the fact that a storm was about to rip his town apart and freaked out. Whether its fair or not, if LE really dislikes storm chasers they could catch us for the most minor offenses (failing to use turn signal, etc) and punish you with the harshest possible penalty for that offense. I've noticed stormtrack has storm spotters, storm chasers, and some news media. The one thing that lacks is law enforcement. Maybe if we were to communicate with law enforcement more often we could work out these issues. The May 28th incident is proof that there is major miscommunication and misunderstandings in the LE community, and general public as to our (storm chasers and spotters) purpose.