Whats interesting is that it should be scientists and journalists debunking the BS stories about using the TIVs for serious scientific research - not just chasers. Like I've always argued, if such research was indeed legitimate, where are the peer reviewed scientific papers after so many years? Where are the scientific grants? Where are the scientific affiliations that almost ever single legitimate researcher has? Why are TIV's always filled with camera and production crews instead of working researchers if that is indeed your actual goal. Why are there decals promoting television stations on them instead of simple research identifications. Deep down, most of us are smart enough to know what's going on.
I know some working researchers and meteorologists have come forward and complained, but anytime a chaser says something, it's immediately assumed he or she has a chip on their shoulder -- far from the truth in most cases. As a journalist and photographer I would fully support anyone who openly said they are using a TIV for production and money making purposes without trying to gain public, media and law enforcement favor by using the scientific story. Casey did just the thing and I applaud him for that.
Some of you might remember, we built one of the first semi-fortified chase vehicles back in the mid-90's using roll cages, armored glass, steel door panels and 5-point harnesses. It was strictly for safety, nothing more. After we drove into a weak tornado near Amarillo, TX, I realized I was developing a false sense of security so I backed off and never did it again.