This is what I was alluding to in my original post. While the thread may have started out with a neutral, "hey, look what these guys are doing," I could see it devolving into, "hey, let's scoff at the new guys because they're not like us." There are some 100% purist chasers out there that drive out to a tornado, take a picture of it, and drive home, like Hoadley started doing in the 50's and 60's. There are some that chase entirely to see their Twitter followers, Likes, and video views increase. I think it's fair to say that most of us, myself included, are somewhere in between, and we do get some satisfaction from the attention chasing brings. That attention is a big part, or even a dominant part for anyone who adorns their car proudly, demands respect, or thinks they earned experience points that make them more entitled than others. Those are the folks that I think are being most hypocritical when judging others that are attempting to do the same.
Armored intercept vehicles make excellent attention getting devices and publicity generators and they can be effective at surviving tornado impacts. I don't think that really has much impact on the rest of us unless they're stealing your share of the attention or your place as a chaser authority figure.
Well said!!
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