Need a bit of help with NWS/NOAA/DOC/DOD cost related information.

Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey/Iowa
I'm writing a research paper and need some information that I've been having a bit of trouble locating. Figured that this might be the right place to ask.

Here goes:

1) What is the cost of a single radiosonde launch?
2) Must a radiosonde launch occur within a certain number of miles of a WFO?
3) What is the average cost of a "Hurricane Hunter" hurricane reconnaissance flight?
4) What is the average cost of a DOC/NHC synoptic surveillance or research flight?
5) What is the average cost of obtaining and "installing" a data buoy?
6) What is the average cost of obtaining and installing an ASOS weather monitoring station.
7) What is the average cost of obtaining and installing a WSR-88D?
8) Must an 88D be placed within a certain range of a WFO?

Thanks all for any help you can provide.