Name That Date...

Dec 11, 2004
Janesville, WI
The latest chase case helped bring up a new idea, post an image from a significant weather day and see who can guess the date correctly. It can be a satellite image, radar image, 500mb chart, or something else that may help with recognition. For me, certain images from certain events are still clear in my mind...if someone put the North Platte sounding from the Brady, NE tornado day in front of me, I'd know exactly what date it was from.

I figure this is a way to have a more fast-paced activity - we can keep the chase cases going as well, I love them! I'll post the correct answer sometime tomorrow so we can keep this going. Perhaps others willing to add images from other days just do so on this thread so there aren't 100 different "name that date" threads by next weekend :)

The first "name that date" image is a 17z satellite image from a fairly significant tornado outbreak day. Can you name that date??

Name That Date #1 - 17z Satellite
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At first I thought cold core too ... but that's a pretty broad warm sector and I just don't remember it looking like that in Nov. '05. There could also be chaseable storms up in Nebraska here.

The more I think about it, the less I think it's May, '03. In that image, the storms appear like they're going to get started right over KC or just to the east maybe. bleh

I think it's tougher since such a large number of well-organized systems have this distinct comma shape. Just trying to figure out the position of where things will happen is the key - but yeah, pretty rough going.
April 13th, 2006 is my initial guess. My second guess would be March 12, 2006. I will stick with these 2 until more info is available. This would be either a Fall storm, or early Spring storm.
Woo hoooooo!!!!

Oh ...

Yeah ...

Thanks Scott, that was fun - and it WAS a cold core day after all. Hmmmm ... Matt gets points for the early spring comment, I think - and Jim gets 'em for recognizing cold core ... lol. I'll share the winnings -
Incidentally, other than catching the tornadoes in NW Missouri that day, my biggest memory was traveling along the back of the dryline and being able to see the clear line of mini supercells from the backside ... it was like I was looking at a wall and could easily see the difference between two air masses. The air behind them was clear as a bell and dry as it could be. And the shape of the storms was such that recognizing a mini-supe became burned in my brain forever. You can really see that on the sat image too.

Interesting event - thanks for posting it.
Got on this late, but I would have got this one. (Probably helped that I chased this day, stopping at Libraries to look at Radar. Remember those days?) Fun idea Scott!