Out of curiosity, do you know Jimmy Duerega from australiansevereweather.com? and Stormstock gave you permission, I assume.
I noticed you posted one of his (Jimmy's) videos there. I see you gave him credit in the YouTube comments to him and the other videos you have posted, but typically it is best to actually obtain permission from the actual author. If you did, fantastic, kudos to Jimmy for fantastic footage. And you say in your YouTube dialogue that you're 17. The Happy Tornado hit in 2002, making you 12 at the time that video was taken. Who were you chasing with?
Your photo montages have pictures from tornadochasers.net, photos from Larry Houghton, and others. I can only hope you obtained permission to use.
I'm not trying to be sarcastic or lighten your posts but it's very important that you obtain permission first before posting videos taken by others.