Most Photogenic Severe Weather Mode

What Is In Your Opinion The MOST Photogenic choice?

  • Sunlit supercell at sunset

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Backlit mammatus at sunset

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • white sunlit tornado against cumulonimbus background

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • Cloud to ground lightning against precipitation shield

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Storm Structure (wall clouds, shelf clouds, etc)

    Votes: 7 14.6%
  • Entire Storm Structure including tornado

    Votes: 24 50.0%
  • Nighttime Structure shot with lightning

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • Other, None of the Above

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters
Dec 10, 2003
Great Plains
Not to detract from Marco's thread but to add a more specific element to see the opinions of what one considers the MOST photogenic opportunities.

Of all severe weather modes to observe when watching convective situations, which severe weather mode is the most photogenic to you?
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Maybe it is just because the only thing I could get this year seemed to be shelf clouds, but I had to go for storm structure!

But, I think that any of these can be photogenic, given that you have the right equipment and more importantly the right skills, background, etc. you can take anything and make it look great!
Foregrounds make all the difference too, and vary so much by geographic location.

My favorite combo is a lightning storm over crazy terrain. I also like storms with low light on wheatfields, turning them gold. Lightning over water is also high on my list.
To me it's all what you make out of it. I have chased wicked supercells that were quite dull to look at. I have shot some amazing video of some non-severe and marginally severe storms.

IMO the shot is in the photogs eye and where he finds it.
Storm structure freak here... it can be just a nice shelf cloud rolling through farm country or a low rotating wall cloud with RFD clear slot... a crisp hard anvil in the distance during sunset.... meso striations.... any of that jazz will make me happy. Of course I can't rule out tornadoes either, but I've seen a lot of non-tornadic shots of great storm structure.
Entire storm structure vote here... I'm still learning and like to see the BIG picture.
But I'll appreciate anything Mother Nature has to offer.
I second Doug Raflik's NE LP image, that is truly an awesome image... much credit. But regardless, the full structure of the storm and everything working together in cyclic supercells is a great sight to behold. And sometimes you even get a tornado (like Doug).
I am going to have to go with 6th choice my self. Nothing can compare to a well formed LP that has almost no precip and a fairly high base and that is produceing at the same time the shot is taken but that could be just because I am getting frustraited with my area's lack of LP's and abundance of HP's with a very low cloudbase and that is behind a mountain in the jungle. :lol: