No I don't think you are that dumb. But I think you should be supporting the push for a national system so you _can_ use MidWest 122 and people will know who you are. It can be done, people just haven't tried hard enough....until now.
I am not sure why you think I am against a national system.
Your reporting system is fine, I like the test.
I also said I would present it to our group. The email to the group
went out two days ago.
The original comment I was making was they I didn't think it fair
to loose the ability to track someone, a person or group of persons
working with a well structured network. Most. if not all would not
submit a report via SN, but rather through one of the multiple systems we have in place.
They would have the option of sending in reports via SN:
1. If they have lost radio contact with our bases or any other
active base.
2. Their cell phone is not working for one reason or another.
3. eSpotter is not available.
But chances are if eSpotter is down then they have no Internet
connectivity thus SN would not be an option.
These are the protocols we use. These are also the protocols
the local WFO wishes us to use. They only receive SN via NWSChat
and do not have the full SN system installed.
With that in mind, you can see I have no issue with a national system that helps folks without such a support structure in place.
Yes, it would be great to have the national database so that we
and the WFO's could look up a spotters background instantly.
If you or anyone else wants us to drop all the other means of
submitting a report and go with SN exclusively, that is just not going to happen.
But I don't think thats what your getting at or asking.
I am not sure what else I can say. It is what it is.