MODERATE risk days this year....

Apr 10, 2008
Enid, Oklahoma
Ok so hopefully this wont be deleted like my Storm report earlier was. So who all here chased on April 7th I believe and May 7th??? First off April 7th had two PDS TOR issued and only one tornado I almost wanted to break down and cry :mad: and then yesterday even though I did to get to chase a photogenic storm.

I didnt even see a tornado I believe there was two maybe three in the hatched area before dark. =/ Maybe I will just start skipping the moderate days and going for the slight risk days aftewards. Seriously look up in KS today. :( Ok you can say that I am storm chaser and not a tornado chaser I just wish I would get treated to a tornado.... Oh and I was up in KS 2 weeks ago for that. I believe maybe was moderate risk day. about 30 chasers in Pratt, KS just got blue skys . =) ITS CHASING.... I KNOW! I just kinda thinks its funny how nothing has been going my way this year... But if it was as easy as I wished it was everyone would be chasing then that would be no fun =D.

There is my boring blab about nothingness.
I went a few years before seeing a decent full condensation to the ground tornado so no sympathy from me... such is life. Then you get a year like 2004 when every other chase was a tornado fest. I still maintain regardless of forecasting and navigation skills, etc.. a good part of chasing is luck.