Brendon Lindsey
Ok so hopefully this wont be deleted like my Storm report earlier was. So who all here chased on April 7th I believe and May 7th??? First off April 7th had two PDS TOR issued and only one tornado I almost wanted to break down and cry
and then yesterday even though I did to get to chase a photogenic storm.
I didnt even see a tornado I believe there was two maybe three in the hatched area before dark. =/ Maybe I will just start skipping the moderate days and going for the slight risk days aftewards. Seriously look up in KS today.
Ok you can say that I am storm chaser and not a tornado chaser I just wish I would get treated to a tornado.... Oh and I was up in KS 2 weeks ago for that. I believe maybe was moderate risk day. about 30 chasers in Pratt, KS just got blue skys . =) ITS CHASING.... I KNOW! I just kinda thinks its funny how nothing has been going my way this year... But if it was as easy as I wished it was everyone would be chasing then that would be no fun =D.
There is my boring blab about nothingness.
I didnt even see a tornado I believe there was two maybe three in the hatched area before dark. =/ Maybe I will just start skipping the moderate days and going for the slight risk days aftewards. Seriously look up in KS today.

There is my boring blab about nothingness.