Mobile Threat Net for Sale (best offer)

Dec 4, 2004
Grand Rapids, Michigan
I am having a baby boy in the next couple of months and I am looking to sell my Mobile Threat Net for a little extra cash. This is an older version from 2005-2006 and works great, and it has the GPS software. I will burn a fresh copy of all the latest upgrades for your convenience before I ship it. I will send it in the original box that it came in. I also have the GPS puck that I will throw in with it, as I bought that separately. The package includes all cables the AC and DC adapters with the satellite receiver, XM antenna, and USB cable.

Please PM me, will sell to the one with best offer.
Still offering the mobile threat net package. Some have asked how much so I thought I would add my asking price, $400.

Here is a picture of the package:
