mobile mesonet question

Joey Ketcham

I have a question in regards to one of the designs of the mobile mesonet, and I've seen other chasers with this same design as well... basically I want to know what the function of this does. I circled it in blue on the picture below.

[Broken External Image]:



That's a Radiation/Aspiration shield. Basically, your temperature/humidity sensor goes in there. In fact, I'm looking for a cross section drawing of that part of the RA shield, cause the one I have doesn't have a perfect flo of air some my temperature is a little higher than what it should really be.

Gaetan: I have one that I built for myself based on the NSSL design. I will get a parts list together (after I finish chasing this weekend) and foreward it to you. It's really a relatively simple design, but it does the job like it is supposed to.
:D :D :D
Excellent Chris!!!!! I'll be waiting on that!!!! The design I have is is not sufficient, I need to upgrade it. That's very cool of you to share this! If you can give me some hint on how you installed it on your frame, it would be nice too! (Attachement procedures etc...)
Love the OK mesonet. Wish every state had it. More often then not I first take alook at the OK mesonet before I even look at AWOS/ASOS stuff.

Aspiration shield specs

Could someone forward on the forum in general some close-up pics with specs on how to build this.
I went to hardware store the other day and put one together of pics i had of one from far away. I grabbed 3" pvc piping and had 90 degree angles on each end but capping it was a challenge.

I assumed they used a cap on the top end and someone drilled holes into it to allow airflow in but im not sure most pics of it are to far away to tell if holes are drill into it or they put a special cap that has holes predrilled on it like a drain cap.

I can kind tell the the main pipe is under 5ft in length as menards sells 5ft lengths but it dont look that tal in pictures (again hard to tell from distance pics are taken from.)

Creating this instrument has been one of my biggest questions in building my mobile mesonet.

And if anyone has any other specs for mobile mesonets in general i would appreciate it. dont wish to copy anyones ideas but am looking for the best aerodynamic solution for my '94 plymouth voyager van.

I will share any info i have on my current plans of building one. or any other information.

:D well all brainstorm and get some really good ideas out there
OK OK am off tomorrow, and I will get the parts list and some detail up for everybody. If nothing else, I will take mine apart and show how the pieces fit. There are other parts under the cap.
Good man!

You're a good man Chris! This the last piece complete my small contribution to the Home Built MM brigade.

Just by looking, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out the capping on this. Something that would keep as much liquid water out as possibly, but still allow good air flow. I think it would be directional in nature. Wind blown rain from behind the unit would be an issue, but as long as you were moving or pointed into the wind it would keep the majority of the water out.

I'm also having some issues figuring out how to mount a 12V DC fan in the tube. Actually finding a fan small enough is more a challenge than mounting it.

Last, but not least is the configuration of the sensor array. Since I'm using a David Weather Monitor II, I only have the single temp sensor (Temp/Humidity will be aquired in the near future). Do you simply let the sensor fall free in the tube? Do you mount it with a spider mount (similar to telescope mirrors)?

Basically, the whole smash. I hate reinventing the wheel when there are so many that have already done it. Besides Chris, would anyone else care to share your diagrams/experiences?

John Diel
Re: Aspiration shield specs

Originally posted by Dan Starker

And if anyone has any other specs for mobile mesonets in general i would appreciate it. dont wish to copy anyones ideas but am looking for the best aerodynamic solution for my '94 plymouth voyager van.

Hey Dan, I'm interstest too ... My chase vehicle is a 93 Ply Grand Voyager so I'm in the same boat.... as far as aerodynamics go....

Cool David

Hey David,

Thats cool glad i finally found someone with similar interests and vehicles. Maybe we can collaberate on some ideas of exterior and interior equipment setups.

I have a very basic van no power features like: windows, locks, cruise, etc...
Its hunter green in color needs some touchup body work done to it and a light paint job. She needs some engine tuning but other than that she has gotten me through my first tornadic episode this year without a hitch.

So yeah keep in touch and if ya got pics of your vehicle id love to see them or describe what you got for gear and how you got it setup.
