DISCLAIMER: Here in SoCal the channels are a little different.
Now, everybody in the country has CNN and TWC, so I will start with that. CNN had wonderful coverage. They had the best radar images and great footage (I don't care what you think, Anderson Cooper and John Zarrela (sp.?) had a reason to scream when that Ramada sign fell, at 100 mph, even a small piece of metal can kill). CNN's reporters had great signal, I saw rare times when the signal would be down. TWC was also pretty good, but I didn't watch much of it.
The rest of the networks sucked. MSNBC - the day right before the hurricane made landfall - had a full 6 hours in the evening that they were talking about the London Bombings!!! :evil: CNN never stopped their coverage after Saturday morning. Still, Dennis was hardly news even two days before, when it was lashing Cuba with 150 mph winds!!! (they were focusing on the "London Terror", but I can understand that is more important than a possible hurricane that has the capability of killing hundreds in the country just south of them - maybe that's because the country just south is Communist, huh---) All the major news networks (FOX, WB, etc.) in San Diego had 10 minutes coverage TOPS during both days. And, during landfall, the only channels I knew of who had round-the-clock coverage of Dennis were MSNBC, TWC, and CNN.
Okay, enough lashing. After all, in San Diego, hurricanes just aren't big news anymore (they really were never; San Diegans are just too spoiled weatherwise)!