Jun 21, 2004
Kearney, NE
Being reported on CNN, he's literally using the term "Desperate SOS". He's taking 20,000 people out of the convention center that he's at and marching them up to I-10 because they're out of supplies and the situation is "desperate".
Well this point in the game, you need a leader to take charge.

Congratulations to the government, you have an angry crowd on your hands because you can't get help to them fast enough.

I have no problem with them walking out of there on their own. Get them away from the crowd with guns and meet the buses where they are at.
Up until this point I was pretty supportive of how the government response has been. Thats changed a little now that these people have no food are getting sick and have now been told to 'march' to somewhere where they can survive. That is sad with all of our resoruces that they have to march.
Just telling the people that they're moving will give them some hope. The problem is that if you march them too far in the heat, considering they haven't eaten or had water in THREE DAYS, they're going to start dropping like flies.

Northern Command has to treat this like a nuclear detonation. We need a flag officer to step forward and take full command. Yeah it's unconstitutional, but so are half the things we've done lately. We can work out the legalities after we get these people some water. Or else many more thousands are going to die in the next 48 hours.
This is an incredible embarrasment. After 9/11, THIS is the best we can do for a catastrophe response?! What if Chicago were nuked tomorrow? Would our government be able to respond?

My guess is that FEMA will be gutted and that a new agency will be put in their place. This reponse has been criminally negligent. We're THREE DAYS into the disaster and people STILL don't have food and water! Anarchy, rioting... my God!
I'm thinking they need to forget about search and rescue, forget about evac, forget about the levies, forget about EVERYTHING else for a few hours except for dropping food and water and medical supplies into the heart of this mess. They won't have anyone to rescue by tomorrow if these people do not get fresh water soon, and I mean SOON. The weaker ones are already dying off quickly now ... what a sad, sad situation.
Originally posted by Amos Magliocco
Just telling the people that they're moving will give them some hope. The problem is that if you march them too far in the heat, considering they haven't eaten or had water in THREE DAYS, they're going to start dropping like flies.

Northern Command has to treat this like a nuclear detonation. We need a flag officer to step forward and take full command. Yeah it's unconstitutional, but so are half the things we've done lately. We can work out the legalities after we get these people some water. Or else many more thousands are going to die in the next 48 hours.

I agree someone needs to take TOTAL hands-on control of this situation. As the mayor of NO said 'they are to many cooks in the kitchen'. To many parts of governments, to many departments to many directors. Time for some leadership and a unified command of resources to focus on the priority of saving who is still living.
Originally posted by AP

Doctors at two desperately crippled hospitals in New Orleans called The Associated Press Thursday morning pleading for rescue, saying they were nearly out of food and power and had been forced to move patients to higher floors to escape looters.

\"We have been trying to call the mayor's office, we have been trying to call the governor's office ... we have tried to use any inside pressure we can. We are turning to you. Please help us,\" said Dr. Norman McSwain, chief of trauma surgery at Charity Hospital, the largest of two public hospitals.Charity is across the street from Tulane University Medical Center, a private facility that has almost completed evacuating more than 1,000 patients and family members, he said.

It wouldn't bother me if somebody broke the chain of command. The freaking TEST of leadership is whether or not you can adjust to moments of crisis. The guys in DC are following some kind of playbook. They're like zombies. The Governor of Louisiana looks totally overwhelmed. Governor Barbour in Miss has a done a great job, but he has problems as big if not bigger than his neighbor.

Like I wrote in another thread, I wish Rick Perry would send the Texas Guard into Louisiana, and then when we secure it, ask Mr. Bush if he'd like it back when he's ready to handle it.
From CNN:

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin issued \"a desperate SOS\" for the thousands of people stranded in an around the city's convention center with no food or water and fading hope.

CNN's Chris Lawrence described \"many, many\" bodies, inside and outside the facility on New Orleans' Riverwalk.

The alert comes as violence and lawlessness disrupted efforts to get help to people around the city.

Charity Hospital has halted patient evacuations because it has come under sniper fire, according to Dr. Tyler Curiel, who witnessed the incident.

\"There are multiple people dying at the convention center,\" Lawrence said. \"There was an old woman, dead in a wheelchair with a blanket draped over her, pushed up against a wall. Horrible, horrible conditions.

\"We saw a man who went into a seizure, literally dying right in front of us.\"

In a statement Thursday, Nagin said that \"currently the convention center is unsanitary and unsafe and we are running out of supplies for (15,000 to 20,000) people.\"

He said the city would allow people to march up the Crescent City Connection to the Westbank Expressway.

People were \"being forced to live like animals,\" Lawrence said, surrounded by piles of trash and feces.

He said thousands of people were just laying in the ground outside the building -- many old, or sick, or caring for infants and small children.

Video from the scene showed a group chanting 'we want help, we want help,' as mothers tried to console their tired and hungry children.
Originally posted by Ryan McGinnis
This is an incredible embarrasment. After 9/11, THIS is the best we can do for a catastrophe response?! What if Chicago were nuked tomorrow? Would our government be able to respond?

My guess is that FEMA will be gutted and that a new agency will be put in their place. This reponse has been criminally negligent. We're THREE DAYS into the disaster and people STILL don't have food and water! Anarchy, rioting... my God!

Exactly, this is truely scary on how the US gov. takes care of it's own.....
You know, the scariest part that I can think of is the "what if"... WHAT IF the entire city had flooded instantenously, as had been expected with a Cat 4/5 direct hit on the city? FEMA says they planned for this, but the response has taken 72 hours to get going. Thank God it did take 36 hours for New Orleans to flood, because the anticipated instaneous flood would have resulted in death beyond what we can imagine.
Originally posted by Jeff Snyder
WHAT IF the entire city had flooded instantenously, as had been expected with a Cat 4/5 direct hit on the city?
The response would have been dramatically different. There would be a lot less need for S&R. Everyone would be dead.