I've added a bunch of material to my 'Event Archives' this morning. As well as, adding access to storm reports for each event on the page.
I've added archived data from this past weekend (Saturday's severe weather, and yesterday's). As you may see, I only have radar and satellite data for now... some archived/saved from WeatherTap, some archived from work. Unfortunately, the material isn't in any particular order... but I've tried to sort the radar data according to the site and chronologically and have tried to sort the satellite data chronologically, as well.
Enjoy! And feel free to take what you want...
I've added archived data from this past weekend (Saturday's severe weather, and yesterday's). As you may see, I only have radar and satellite data for now... some archived/saved from WeatherTap, some archived from work. Unfortunately, the material isn't in any particular order... but I've tried to sort the radar data according to the site and chronologically and have tried to sort the satellite data chronologically, as well.
Enjoy! And feel free to take what you want...