Mammatus over Wrigley.

Mar 3, 2004
Mt Prospect, IL
I was just on the Cubs website trying to find out what's going on with my favorite hard-luck baseball team. and I found this article. The picture with it is just priceless. I believe it was taken on the evening of Sunday May 23, 2004. There had been a risk of significant tornadoes in NE IL much of the day. While initiation did not occur until late, a supercell formed in LaSalle county, and tracked northeast into the city. The picture shows the anvil of the storm overhead while the Cubs battled the Cardinals. The storm went on to miss Wrigley.


The game was televised on ESPN, and even they broke away to do some sky shots. The NOW thread for that day even mentioned this. If you look real closely at the picture, you can see another supercell's overshooting top and backsheared anvil to the NW. That storm was tor-warned in Lake County, IL.