Low Bandwidth Computer-Based Nowcast Pages

Mar 2, 2004
Northern Colorado
Someone early last year had a zip file including a whole herd of pages dedicated to storm chasing and getting info on the road. Most of it was text-based with indivigual links to various graphics found all over the web. I'm looking for that again as I am creating a seperate Windows XP account strictly for storm chasing. I cannot remember who had this posted or if anyone still has it, but I would like to again get my hands on it!

Also, if anyone out there also has one, share your thoughts on how you've put it together, as I would like to customize one of my own to fit my needs in the field.

By the looks of it, you would unzip it with any unzipper, like Freebyte <http://www.freebyte.com/fbzip/>, and use File > Open File in your browser to open the index.html page (thus you have to keep track of where you install it to). Once that's done you can set it as a bookmark and then call it up locally without using up your connection downloading a links page off the Web.

By the way how do you use the zip file?

You have to unzip the file using winzip or something similar. See this page for all sorts of info on zip files. The tor.zip file contains a large number of html files that make up the web site. I recommend saving and uncompressing the zip folder to your desktop and then click on the index.html file to get the website to work without having to upload it. Plus, this saves time on the road -- i.e., you don't have to download the html files, just the data you need.

Thanks i got it on my desktop ill play around with it there and test it out for the early season stuff then if i like it ill put it on the laptop for the rest of the season.
Hey Tony:

I think you are talking about my page here: http://www.uga.edu/atsc/tor/

The zip file is here: http://www.uga.edu/atsc/tor/tor.zip

I will update it sometime in early May -- at that time, I will post an update.


THANK YOU WALKER!!!! That's EXACTLY what I was looking for! Mega thanks, dude! This thing is a wonderful thing to have. I have a couple added things I'll probably throw in it, and I'll obviously pass those to you (with your permission, of course).

I have a couple added things I'll probably throw in it, and I'll obviously pass those to you (with your permission, of course).

Please do.

Do note that some of the links on the web page are dead. Such is the internet. Again, I will update it in a couple months.
