Looking for sponsorship

On the other hand, I see nothing wrong with trying to raise money for a chase trip, be it Go Fund Me or Teespring, or anything along those lines.

I don't think there is anything wrong with it either, and however you can generate cash to help absorb the expense is ok if you can do it. But that's the rub. Getting someone to click on your video enough, buy your photography, donate to a Go Fund Me or Kickstarter, buy a DVD, shirt, calendar, sponsor you, etc isn't easy at all. The attitude that a customer base is just sitting there waiting to hand out money to a chaser with little experience and is relatively unknown is naive, and is why this thread went down the track that it did because most of us already know the answer.

As Shane mentioned earlier, it would be nice to get an update on how it's going.
Let's for a moment take storm chasing out of the equation. What you have very clearly and succinctly demonstrated Francis throughout your communication is you hold the mindset of a millennial generation member. The following Wall Street Journal article written a few years ago perfectly captures the systematic thinking of this generation and their expectations for the future workplace and lifestyle. Basically, they want it all, right now, on their terms.


Another good article I read on the subject is: