Looking for some cheap blue halogen lights

Mike Gauldin

Just wondering if anyone has a pair of blue halogen lights (to be hooked up to a wig-wag system). I've been looking on eBay, but I don't think I want to pay over $30+S&H for them. I'm thinking of just going to Wal-Mart and getting some of their $17/pair fog lights and put some cheap blue halogen H3 bulbs in them, but I thought I'd check here first.
I've seen chasers running headlight wigwags in OK before, are they legal in that state? I ask because they are illegal here in TX.
I'm not using them for chasing per say. I'm an EMT and about to join a volunteer fire department, so that's the reason for the blue. I have white strobes in my front turn signals, red strobes in the rear glass, and taillight flashers installed that I've used before on accident scenes I've come across and no one's ever bothered me (I rarely use them while driving). When I chase, I use an amber mini-lightbar.
For vollie use lights, you might check out elightbars.org. You can get some pretty sweet deals around there. If you don't see what you like, post what your wanting up, someone there will have it. I picked up a SWEET fully loaded MX7000 and strobes from a guy there $300.
Originally posted by David Drummond
For vollie use lights, you might check out elightbars.org. You can get some pretty sweet deals around there. If you don't see what you like, post what your wanting up, someone there will have it. I picked up a SWEET fully loaded MX7000 and strobes from a guy there $300.

Thanks for the link and WOW, that's really really cheap.
Yeah, it's a mix of folks there. Hobbiest, vollies, cops.....I've been tempted to pick up a few cheap MXs there and refurb them and sell them on eBay you can get them so cheap there. Those guys mostly buy that stuff at government auction for pennies on the dollar. I'd do that but I always forget when the auctions are going to be and never have the extra money when they have them.

Halogen stuff is going cheap now because everyone wants LEDs.
Originally posted by Andrew Geil
Just a note, selling lightbars on Ebay is a nono by their policy. And there are plenty of narcs out there who love to rat out your auction to the Ebay police. Just a FYI before you get knee deep into it. :>

Not quite exactly Andrew. Selling anything with red/blue lens on eBay is against eBay policy. You can sell the lightbars just fine. You can always tack on the lens/filters after the sale if the customer wants them. The MX7000 bars are very popular in the clear dome style because the colored rotator filters are cheap and easy to change and are perfectly legal to sell on eBay. In fact, you can sell the lightbar AND you can sell colored lens/filters, you just can't sell them together.
Agreed, eBay allows almost anything except red and blue LENSES ON LIGHTS. I've seen a few actually complete sale (blue lights) and LEDs that are red and/or blue. I just missed a pair of clear lense oval lights with blue strobes that went for like $30. Didn't have the money, sucks cause that was CHEAP!
They get by with the LEDs because they look clear when not activated. Actually, the official eBay printed policy says "emergency lights" but when I got clarification from them a while back, I was told what I wrote above.

I actually think it is rather stupid rule myself. TONS of volunteer fire departments buy used/refurbished equipment because of small budgets.

As I understand, sometime back a few police groups complained about lightbar/police item sales on eBay and got that policy instituted. Seem to me anyone stupid enough to put lights on their car to impersonate and pull people over is going to get busted soon enough anyway, much less a FULL SIZE LIGHTBAR.

It's darn shame people can't conduct decent business on eBay (or anywhere) any more without people trying to snitch them out to get rid of the competition. Seems I remember someone here had that problem selling one of their storm DVDs because it was a DVDR