Looking for advice for a beginner

Hi Andrew. I'm down in Chattanooga. Like @JamesCaruso writes above, I'll chase with anyone for a day. Overnight / the Plains depends on how the daytrip goes. More relevant, I chase Tennessee / Dixie once or twice a year. I blow off most South events because Dixie gonna Dixie LOL.

Different thread New member with a few questions is also in Intro Wx & Chasing. In my read SPC paragraph I forgot to mention read local NWS discussions. Under Forecasts, it's Forecaster's Discussion.

I am a new spotter/chaser ive been a weather enthusiast for many years just never been able to do anything about it until now. To make it clear im not wanting to be hardcore get with 100 yards of a giant tornado or anything anytime soon im looking for advice from people from when they first started out. And yes before someone waste time saying yes i know travel with a veteran first but honestly everyone ive found is so expensive and cant afford all that unless someone knows someone very cheap. My goal is to just get close enough to witness in a safe spot and take some pics of the wonderful structure that form. Im starting a weather forecasting class and after that starting in meterology. I live in Tennessee and looking to start small observing here and would like to after experience head over to tornado alley and witness the bigger ones. So any help anyone can give thats not negative will be appreciated i feel like the more spotter/chasers out the the better for people to get to safety before they get hit by something big so again please no negative comments thank you in advance

Chaser partner dynamic is important for multi day trips and between experienced (opinionated) chasers. I propose personality match is not vital for day trips with a veteran and an apprentice. Anyone can get along that situation.

Chase vacations with experienced partners is where the dynamic becomes important for everything from the road trip, to safety, to target selection, and chase style. Like James, my chase partner and I are friends. We are not best friends, but we are good friends. We started our careers at the same wx company; so, our forecasting is similar.

A note on sharing cost. Generally fuel and lodging is split 50/50. My chase partner and I also take turns driving, but some crews keep the same driver and copilot. Food is individual until the thank-you meal.
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I am a new spotter/chaser ive been a weather enthusiast for many years just never been able to do anything about it until now. To make it clear im not wanting to be hardcore get with 100 yards of a giant tornado or anything anytime soon im looking for advice from people from when they first started out. And yes before someone waste time saying yes i know travel with a veteran first but honestly everyone ive found is so expensive and cant afford all that unless someone knows someone very cheap. My goal is to just get close enough to witness in a safe spot and take some pics of the wonderful structure that form. Im starting a weather forecasting class and after that starting in meterology. I live in Tennessee and looking to start small observing here and would like to after experience head over to tornado alley and witness the bigger ones. So any help anyone can give thats not negative will be appreciated i feel like the more spotter/chasers out the the better for people to get to safety before they get hit by something big so again please no negative comments thank you in advance

When I started chasing I began by networking with more experienced chasers through social media and forums like Stormtrack. That turned into a week long chasecation with an at the time 15 year vet. Networking with other chasers is beneficial!! I see that you're from Middle Tennessee. I lived in Murfreesboro for six and a half years before moving to Norman and met a few chasers from in and around Nashville. I can get you in touch with a few of them to help you out.

Understanding models is important, but so is actually going out and experiencing what Mother Nature has to offer. As far as the expenses go it can rack up pretty quick depending on how far you travel. I personally prefer chasing with friends I'm comfortable spending hours on the road with. We always split expenses 50/50 and on the rare occasion I make an ENG sale on my video I give them a cut of the money.

I hope this was helpful for you, and I hope to see you out on the Plains in the near future!!
When I started chasing I began by networking with more experienced chasers through social media and forums like Stormtrack. That turned into a week long chasecation with an at the time 15 year vet. Networking with other chasers is beneficial!! I see that you're from Middle Tennessee. I lived in Murfreesboro for six and a half years before moving to Norman and met a few chasers from in and around Nashville. I can get you in touch with a few of them to help you out.

Understanding models is important, but so is actually going out and experiencing what Mother Nature has to offer. As far as the expenses go it can rack up pretty quick depending on how far you travel. I personally prefer chasing with friends I'm comfortable spending hours on the road with. We always split expenses 50/50 and on the rare occasion I make an ENG sale on my video I give them a cut of the money.

I hope this was helpful for you, and I hope to see you out on the Plains in the near future!!
Thank you so much and if there is any chance you can get me in touch with one of them to maybe just talk a little and get some more advice i would be more than grateful for that and from people on here and some pm me im understand more and more about the expenses and that not alot people going to go chasing with a novice they've never met so i may just stay around here for awhile and do my best to save up money to go on a tour of some sort or try on my own so well see and i appreciate the encouraging words thank you

I'm one of Adam's friends, particularly from when we met when he still lived in Middle Tennessee. He messaged me about you, and I just got my account approved. I live immediately north of Nashville, and I'm through Lebanon a bit. I have 8 years experience chasing in Dixie. While it's cheaper to stay closer to home, it does offer up its own challenges that the plains don't.

The people above make great points, in that I've had my share of great chase partners, and my share of annoying ones. While I am not afraid to chase solo, I always prefer a partner just so we can divide the work. If you have any questions, feel free to direct message me. I'm also on FB and Twitter.
I’m looking to travel out to Kansas from NJ next year in May. I’ve been into the weather for as long as I could remember and have some knowledge in it due to self teaching. It will be my first time going out to chase and I’d be more than welcome bring somebody of similar interests along with me.