Lookie Lookie...

Wow! It will be awhile till we see that kind of stuff up here. Since we had such a wimpy winter, hopefully we'll have a more active spring. 8)
Andrew, I'd have gladly traded with you last night. I love a storm chase as much as anyone but these "home chases" sitting on the porch watching it roll overhead causes me enough concern about property and such to make them less than enjoyable. Tis the nature of our hobby/profession though, we go where the action is. :?
I just accept it as part of life of living on the plains. I have lived on the plains my whole life and storms have always been a part of that. They were here a long time before we were and probably will be here long after we are gone. We are just temporarily getting in the way of mother nature.

I quite enjoy close to home storms, you aren't near as stressed as on longer distance chases, and well, if something is going to happen to your house, it's going to happen and really nothing you can do to stop it. If a person is overly concerned about their personal possessions living in tornado alley, maybe they should move to Idaho? There are some sort of natural hazards just about anywhere one lives. Plus, it's actually rather rare for any one particular location to suffer any sort of significant damage from a thunderstorm, even less with a tornado. Any one location is just a pinpoint in the whole scheme of things and most likely will NOT be the location to receive any storm damage.
Lookie Lookie

Awsome picture David!Wish I could have been down in central Texas yesterday.
David, I wrote less than enjoyable, not unenjoyable. Also I wrote home, not house. The less than enjoyable aspect of last night's storm was due to concern for my family, not my property. Nothing was written between the lines.

Having lived in central Oklahoma for almost six decades I learned long ago to accept all aspects of this state's weather. I'd rather deal with it than a typhoon at sea, a California earthquake or a tsunami. With that being said I still find it more enjoyable to experience a storm while unencumbered with family responsibilities which have a higher priority.
David, I wrote less than enjoyable, not unenjoyable. Also I wrote home, not house. The less than enjoyable aspect of last night's storm was due to concern for my family, not my property. Nothing was written between the lines.

Sorry, I guess I was confused by where you wrote:
I love a storm chase as much as anyone but these "home chases" sitting on the porch watching it roll overhead causes me enough concern about propertyand such to make them less than enjoyable.
Yes David, I realize the confusion, hence the clarification in a follow up post. Naturally the protection of one's property is a concern, especially when one's family happens to be in it at the time.

How you enjoy storm chasing is your business and how I enjoy mine is mine. A mini-lecture from someone who seems more interested in trying to pick a fight than in discussing last night's storms doesn't interest me. If that is your intent, you have failed. If not, then please accept my apologies and let's move this thread back to the subject you intended when you started it.

Have a nice day! :)
I'm so jealous of you guys right now, all I want is a clap of thunder and I'll be content at the moment. Oh well, it's just right around the corner, only a matter of time, I guess :(.

I hear ya. And I'm even in Tejas. LOL!
Seen some convection to my south and north today but nothing near me. See that cell that was in Brazoria Co this afternoon? All I could think was "Happy happy, joy joy". Spring is coming!!! 8)

*sigh*. Maybe tonight will bring me some of the flashing and noise I desire. :lol:
Re: Lookie Lookie

Awsome picture David!Wish I could have been down in central Texas yesterday.

That pic I posted first was actually up here in the panhandle. The storm was about halfway between Lubbock and Amarillo and just to the west a little.
Yes David, I realize the confusion, hence the clarification in a follow up post. Naturally the protection of one's property is a concern, especially when one's family happens to be in it at the time.

How you enjoy storm chasing is your business and how I enjoy mine is mine. A mini-lecture from someone who seems more interested in trying to pick a fight than in discussing last night's storms doesn't interest me. If that is your intent, you have failed. If not, then please accept my apologies and let's move this thread back to the subject you intended when you started it.

Have a nice day! :)

No worries, not trying to pick a fight. :wink:
No worries, not trying to pick a fight. :wink:
Fair enough. Semantics wars are boring as hell anyway. :roll:

Back to last night's storm, I was very surprised at the intensity and frequency of the lightning. For this time year of it's not unheard of but quite rare in my experience.
Back to last night's storm, I was very surprised at the intensity and frequency of the lightning. For this time year of it's not unheard of but quite rare in my experience.

Heck yeah, never have I experienced anything like that in February in Conn., so lightning, heavy rain, and an (un-verified) SVR made it a nice reprive from my PHYS 2514 homework :P
Originally posted by Sam Sagnella
Heck yeah, never have I experienced anything like that in February in Conn., so lightning, heavy rain, and an (un-verified) SVR made it a nice reprive from my PHYS 2514 homework :P
Good luck on your homework. I have friends in Tolland, CT and the last two times I spoke with them they said there was lots of snow snow and more snow. They can keep the white stuff as far as I'm concerned. I hope the same system that ran through here last night doesn't turn into a nor'easter for them. Next fall I expect to be in New London for a few days in what I hope is nice weather so I can see some of the local sights.