Little video from the other night.

Dec 18, 2003
Lubbock, TX
Just a little video from the other night to get your appetite up for the spring.
Hope it's ok here, if not the mods can move it to the report thread in the target area.

8 meg download, might need to right click and "save as"

Left a little PG-13 chase humor in there. I drank TONS of water that day and then after driving in all that rain, it took it's toll and we were tens of miles from the nearest civilization! Was a fun day!
Originally posted by Andrew Geil
It takes a brave man to put a video of yourself up doing that... ;)

No one tell the Texas DPS. ;)

Ah well, we were off 35 miles from the nearest town on a road way less traveled and pulled off on a side road. 8) I guess it was funny. Well, Graham and Gayla thought it was funny that I was out in the hail doing that. When you gotta, you gotta!
Thanks for sharing Dave... Really thanks

I do not have SDS , I do not have SDS , I do not have SDS...............

no really.. :?
Got to love those times when you are filming a storm (or taking pics) and your the only one there... so peaceful and calm...

LOL and it does take a brave man....
That took some stones, man. I can't pee in public, let alone in the middle of a hail storm. The thought of a freak stone falling and, uh, performing a second circumcision pretty much means my bladder will go critical mass before I'll pull over and pee in a storm.

Good footage, too. I have to admit I'm suffering from SDS lately and I'm just dying for May and June to roll around.
Originally posted by JHadorn
That took some stones, man. I can't pee in public, let alone in the middle of a hail storm. The thought of a freak stone falling and, uh, performing a second circumcision pretty much means my bladder will go critical mass before I'll pull over and pee in a storm.

Good footage, too. I have to admit I'm suffering from SDS lately and I'm just dying for May and June to roll around.

ROFL Well when you gotta go, you gotta go. The van was shielding most of the hail, but a couple got me! I waited as long as I could and the situation didn't get any closer to resolving itself, so I had to do something.