Linear amp

Dec 10, 2003
Lafayette, IN
Right now my mobile rig consists of an ICOM T7H dual-band HT with a mag mount antenna. I'd like to increase my output power so I can have better range. Does anyone have any suggestions for a linear amp? (dual band amp would be preferred, but a plain ol 2m amp would be okay)

Originally posted by Ben Cotton
Right now my mobile rig consists of an ICOM T7H dual-band HT with a mag mount antenna. I'd like to increase my output power so I can have better range. Does anyone have any suggestions for a linear amp? (dual band amp would be preferred, but a plain ol 2m amp would be okay)

Ben...a 50 watt amp will work wonders..100 amps make people mad at you on busy or small circle frequencys. I would visit ebay..or a ham radio supply in your outlet. I have bought from Ham Radio Outlet and am happy...good luck...My ICOM was built in with up to 75 watts.... without an external amp.I really like it.
Also remember that more power will get your signal out farther/stronger, but has no effect on the signals you receive... You could get a 250 watt amp, which will get you heard from quite a distance, but you'll drive people nuts, since they'll hear you, but you won't be able to hear them (since they're too far away for their given power)... I'd invest in a better antenna system first, since antenna type/length/etc can have a signficant impact on both send and receive.
Ben, they make amps specifically for use with HT's that will turn 5 watts into the amp to 35 to 50 watts going out. That would be sufficient because like they said, there's no need to talk farther than you can hear. HRO is a great suggestion, try AES also.

I accidentally punched in one time, that was the last time I did that :shock: Got you all curious now didn't I?

Right, I wasn't planning on using anything greater than 50W output. What I'm looking for is specific recommendations? Are there particular models that anyone has had good experiences with? Bad experiences? Is 70cm used enough to justify a dual-band amp, or should I save my money and go with just a 2m amp?
