library internet question

Jared Orr

Feb 12, 2008
Kansas City
Hi Stormtrack peoples. :)
I'm Jared. This is my first post on here, and I had a quick question about using the internet in libraries.

I know that wifi hotspots are becoming more and more commonplace in fast-food joints and coffee shops and such, but just in case I'm not able to find a hotspot during a chase I've printed off a list of public libraries in hopes that I could use their internet.

But I was wondering.. Would I simply be able to access the internet or would I have to spend money on a library card for that chain of libraries?

Does anyone else do this?

Most of the public libraries that I am familiar with require you to have a library card with them. To access their WiFi, you have to authenticate using your membership number, and are generally limited to about an hours worth of data.
Back in the late 90's early 2000's that's pretty much all we had. Back then you could pretty much stroll into any library, sit down and peruse the latest surface analysis, visible imagery and delayed radar (unless you had a wxtap account)

The last time I used a Library was May 12 2004 (Attica, KS Tornado). We stopped in Woodward, OK for a quick visible sat image. If I remember correctly, we had to sign in on a sheet at the front desk.

Other Libraries such as the one in Dodge City, you jsut went in and helped yourself.

Now if you don't have a true mobile internet solution and are stuck with WiFi, I'd still suggest a fast food place as they are generally easier to locate then a library. I'd invest in at least a good wifi adapter and an external antenna to maximize what you have. Although a Cellular based solution is more flexible and generally more useful, if you make a good pre-chase forecast, you shouldn't need much in the way of looking at the internet while chasing.

Good luck out there.
If you have a capable cell phone, I'd highly recommend mycast or any of the cell phone weather programs. I like mycast though - radar, visible satellite, weather maps (which include temp, dewpoint, and wind direction).

Invaluable to forecast and spot initiation. Also affords you a margin of safety when everything closes in, so you can find a route out with the radar.

Obviously, a laptop with an aircard would be even better, but mycast works for me.
jared, i use libraries all the time, and in my experience with them, they wont hassle you about a card unless youve gone to check out a book or something...

most large libraries got a simple waiting list to get on the computer...all you gotta do is sign your name or get a number printed out...then wait on a free computer and then your ready to go!

there are always exceptions though...i was out there in some town called winona, and there was this woman that got all hard on me...she actually made me give her my drivers liscence and made me go through the registration process before i could use a computer...

some places are really crazy like that, but if you tell em that your a storm chaser and your there to look at the radars...more often then not...especially around here, they are very helpful and sometimes get a lil bit curious and follow you to see what your looking at!

i have lived in several different states, and i have never heard of a library charging for a card...i think libraries are like governent buildings or something like that so they arent allowed to charge you anything unless your like over due on some book or something like that...
I used to visit libraries a lot, but, of course, few chasers have any need for libraries any more. In dozens of visits, I don't think I've ever been turned away due to not being a resident/cardholder. Maybe once.

Last year I posted maps to hundreds of libraries across The Alley. Sure, you can ask "What use is this to me if I am already accessing it on the internet?" but just in case it serves some purpose, here it is (Click on a state in the column at left):