levee failure

abc news is right now doing a report to the hurricane...they started off with reports that the levee has broken...havent seen any video of it or exactly where....worth tuning in
Re: levee failure

abc news is right now doing a report to the hurricane...they started off with reports that the levee has broken...havent seen any video of it or exactly where....worth tuning in

There have been a couple of levee breaches... More like levees that are being overtopped by water. The Corps of Engineers are dropping 3000lb sandbags on them to help plug iup the holes.
levee failure

i know this morning they used the wording "the levees have been breeched" this report was worded that they have broken...will have to research it furture to see if it was charlie running over the top with his report, or if they really have broken....
I saw pictures...the levees are f'ing broken!

Breeched, broken, missing...all of the above. When levees or damns get overtopped they fail, they aren't designed for that. The power of the water will erode almost anything, especially earthen levees.
I feel that it's going to be hard to plug them up, if not impossible. Anyone know how much water will have to drain into the city before the water stops flowing through? I thought for a while N.O. had survived Katrian without the biblical flood. The biblical flood might be coming despite the direct hit that we all feared not occuring. I hope they can get the thousands of people that are left alive out of the city. Many people are probably still in their attics without a way of being able to get out. :cry: I heard they're having to push bodies aside as they go along to get survivors. Imagine how bad this would have been had Katrina maintained a cat 5 status and hit the city head on :shock: I still fear we are looking at hundreds dead across the region.
The plan was to drop 3,000 pound sandbags into the holes from helicopters. I haven't seen any sign of that yet. That plan is last resort too, don't know if it will work.

Every hour that goes by the holes will get bigger.

A man who knows what he is talking about on WWL says Lake Ponchatrain is 5 feet above normal. He doesn't know why and I sure as hell don't either, but its not helping the situation.
Update: Efforts to fix the breech at the 17th street canal have failed and the pump slowing the filling is about to shutdown. 9 feet of flooding to 3 feet above mean sea level within 15 hours.

Just heard that on WWL-TV at 7:33 PM EST

Edit: This is the breech that is responsible for the flooding downtown.
From WWL Tv: Just heard they were unable to patch the breach in the 17th street canal levee and that will shut the pump down that is pumping water out. This will make water 3 feet above sea level or putting 10' to 15 foot of water across all streets in Jefferson and Orleans parish
I know I posted this in another thread but I think its extremely relevant to this situation.

I am not sure the levees were actually in place at this point. Apparantly a bridge was being rebuilt there. The following is a study done pointing out 8 weak spots in the levees around NO.


look at #5.

"the hammond highway bridge over the 17th street canal is being replaced.... huge sandbags are kept nearby to plug this hole..."
Looking at more pictures I see that the breeches are several hundred yards long, and growing.
this morning they were reporting a "breech 2 blocks long" that was on good morning america...not sure where they stand now