Dec 10, 2003
2 block wide breech in levee at 7th and Canal St as of this post. N.O. 80% under water and rising at rate of 1" / 5 min at Tulane hospital downtown, air evacuations under discussion. Twin Spans Bridge completely destroyed.

Is this a new failure or a speading of the original from early Monday?

Edit: Water is lapping at the doors of the Superdome now!

this is not a failure, it is a breech...on other words, the water is up over the levies, not braking through...
You may be right. But when a levee is breeched and water starts to run over it they end up failing. Running water has a lot of force and even a minor breech can lead to complete failure.

Still don't understand why this isn't really being covered that well on the news. Too much stuff going on.

i heard about the breeches this morning on "good morning america", very short coverage tho
Twin spans bridge


Is that the "Twin spans" bridge?

Astounding, if true. New Orleans did not dodge the bullet.
No Wayne, the "twin spans" are the Interstate bridges that cross Lake Pontchartrain...
Now have reports that the CBD and French Quarter are flooding. Heard this from a Louisiana resident, but can't find any hard links.
There is confirmation of the French Quarter flooding on the WWL web site:

Levee breaches are causing rising water in New Orleans. WWL-TV studios are being evacuated due to rising water in the French Quarter. WWL will begin broadcasting from LSU as soon as possible and we will be attempting to stream on the web.

Tuesday, 9:40 a.m.

The Times-Picayune is evacuating it's New Orleans building.

Water continues to rise around our building, as it is throughout the region. We want to evaucate our employees and families while we are still able to safely leave our building.

Our plan is to head across the Mississippi River on the Pontchartrain Expressway to the west bank of New Orleans and Jefferson Parish. From there, we'll try to head to Houma.

Our plan, obviously, is to resume providing news to our readers ASAP. Please refer back to this site for continuing information as soon as we are able to provide it.

from http://www.nola.com/newslogs/breakingtp/
Re: Twin spans bridge

Is that the "Twin spans" bridge?
I believe that is the Mississippi River Bridge, which is I-10 crossing the river on the east side of downtown.
How many breaches?

How many breaches are there? I've seen reports of a breach at '7th and canal', but I'm not sure that's not a garbled version of '17th st. canal'. I've been gone from NO too long to remember if 7th and canal makes any sense as a location.
I've always thought of a breach as a full on rupture.
'Overtopping' or 'spilling over' sound like a more accurate terms for a simple overflow.

Has anyone found pictures of the breaches/overspill?
