Lenticular Mammatus Clouds

For my opinion these clouds cannot be "lenticularis", thats too low for such cloud type. :? I would classify them as "Cumulonimbus mamma undulatus" (Cb mam un), although such classification doesnt exist :D or maybe "Stratocumulus stratiformis opacus undulatus" (Sc str op un) if they were that low as I can see on this site mentioned above: http://www.ksntv.com/news/coolwxpics/, so they were already in the St/Sc class.

Or it seems those really could be "year 2005 clouds" like Mike said, this year is weird though :twisted:

According to Steve Runnels, the storm warning coordinator at tne NWS in SGF, he said they could be called: cumulonimbus mammatus with undulatus wave forms.