Large Hail Needed!

Dec 21, 2007
Springfield, Missouri
Just got off the phone with a guy with a company who is needing some large hail
(1.5 to 5 inch) or larger...basically as large as can be.
Their goal is to get photographs of the hail for a photoshoot/production. They are willing to pay although limited budget. They basically want someone to pick up the hail and then save it via a cooler full of dry ice or the like and then they will hire a photographer to come and shoot it. For those of you who are professional photographers, this may mean double money.

Let me know as soon as possible if you might be interested. I will pass his number on to those who are. He is going to be up until midnight or so this evening and acted as if he was in a hurry to get someone to do this. I figured with the possibility of severe on Thursday this might be something someone can get soon.
I'm pretty sure I'll be headed to Oklahoma in 10 days for some chasing, I will definitely keep this in mind. thanks for the tip!
I actually currently have some 5 inchers that hit my house in the freezer, they have slowly been shrinking though and are now more in the 3 inch range. either way it sounds like the right size.

if i did it right there is a picture there^
I'll be out Thursday as well. I agree with Skip on the chance of hail any bigger than 1 inch seeming quite unlikely, but I'm still interested.
I am guessing he doesn't want video as well, does he? I have plenty of clips of >3in size hail coming down or sitting next to a ruler. Any shots I could give him would all be video stills or the video its self.
I am guessing he doesn't want video as well, does he? I have plenty of clips of >3in size hail coming down or sitting next to a ruler. Any shots I could give him would all be video stills or the video its self.

Maybe I didn't explain myself fully....what he wants is some large hail....1.5 inch or larger. He then will hire a professional photographer to come and take pictures of the hail that has been collected. He is not interested in video, he is not interested in pictures from 2 years ago, he is not interested waiting until April, he is not interested in hiring amateur photographers, he is not interested and does not need video. He would like to do this as soon as possible. All of this I thought I explained fully in my original post.

I understand and explained to him fully that he is about a month early for this kind of request but of course he has a timeline to follow. He is willing to pay but they do have a limited budget. Would be nice if someone already has one in the freezer or something like that. Just a thought.

Hopefully this helps to explain a little more.
You explained it clear enough in your first post Lanny. That said, seeing as how it is so early in the year and what he is looking for really is going to be very hard to find I thought I would at least offer something. Sure it isn't EXACTLY what he is asking for but seeing as how its only February 23rd and he is needing stuff asap I didn't know if maybe he could just settle for less and take what he could get. As you said it is a bit early to be asking for preserved hail stones. Maybe I am wrong and finding preserved stones isn't as hard as I would think it would be.

I didn't see the harm in asking but sorry to have annoyed you.
You explained it clear enough in your first post Lanny. That said, seeing as how it is so early in the year and what he is looking for really is going to be very hard to find I thought I would at least offer something. Sure it isn't EXACTLY what he is asking for but seeing as how its only February 23rd and he is needing stuff asap I didn't know if maybe he could just settle for less and take what he could get. As you said it is a bit early to be asking for preserved hail stones. Maybe I am wrong and finding preserved stones isn't as hard as I would think it would be.

I didn't see the harm in asking but sorry to have annoyed you.

You didn't annoy me Bart, had you of I would have certainly told you so. I was just making it clear one last time as to what he needed. As I said, I informed him that he was really too early and that if he was not on a time crunch he might be a little more successful but he doesn't know anything about weather or the like so to him this is a decent request...go figure.