Large hail in North Italy yesterday...

Jun 26, 2004
Italy/Tornado Alley
A lot of damages yesterday near Brescia (North Italy).

Some strong supercells that has caused that - what part of the country Andrea?


Jimmy Deguara

Ehi Jimmy,
Northern part of the country near Brescia. Anyway maybe you won't believe me but those cells that caused this large hail were not supercells; see the radar images:

This cells came out from mountain convection and went in the plain pushed buy north flow at the mid level. Cape and shear wasn't impressive and I think that an important role in the genesis of the hail was due to the orographic convection.
Hi Andrea,

Ok what were the capes and windshear profiles for the region. The size of those hailstones and the hardness of the stones indicate decent storms. I guess then they were multicells bordering onto supercells.

95% of storms producing hail > 5cm are supercells. But you live there so you would know more about what happened. As you say the radar itself was not impressive.


Jimmy Deguara
Hi Andrea,

Ok what were the capes and windshear profiles for the region. The size of those hailstones and the hardness of the stones indicate decent storms.

This is sure Jimmy. Cape and shear wasn't impressive as well.
See the sounding:


But there's a problem: storms grew up at about 18Z but there's only the 12Z sounding. I see there's a quite good wet bulb zero at 3500 meters.
Then storms did keep on moving westward (with the convergence that moved westward) till 00Z.
Shear profile is not one of the best , overall in 12Z sounding but there's a sort of low level veering in 00Z one. I think there's something like a hodograph curvature in the low levels even though there's absence of flow at the ground(I think this is not representative of the place where the large hail did fall down: some friends of mine put in evidence easterly flow at the ground).
This is the sounding of 00Z:

Hi Andrea,

The upper levels are very dry so perhaps allowing for evaporative enhanced cooling. CAPE of 1000 is not too bad and can lead to this type of hail and supercells but usually in good shear. The shear in the second example with some backing seems to provide at least multicell emphasis.

Great event but any information you have definitely provide.


Jimmy Deguara
Hi Andrea,

The upper levels are very dry so perhaps allowing for evaporative enhanced cooling. CAPE of 1000 is not too bad and can lead to this type of hail and supercells but usually in good shear. The shear in the second example with some backing seems to provide at least multicell emphasis.

Great event but any information you have definitely provide.


Jimmy Deguara

It could be intersting to see the shear profile of 18Z sounding but things always go in the same way: when you need something there's no way to find it!
Hi Andrea,

thats some impresive hail! :shock: I was looking at those storms that evening, was also expecting something interesting, but not that much though.

Here are two more soundings, if it helps maybe;
Udine 12z:
Milano 12z:
It doesn't look that bad for me, except the wind profiles.

Here is a satellite animation in those hours:

I will try to find some radar images on my home PC.

Best regards,

They are senational CAPE values. Are these adjusted soundings or actual soundings. That would make this more supercell territory.


Jimmy Deguara