Lake Michigan Dissapearing?

The article failed to mention that the Great Lakes are connected in a "series circuit" so this must mean that Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake St.Clair, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario will also dry up magically :confused: . But in Chicago, I guess that "small" detail was overlooked. Alarmist journalism for certain. Better jump on that asteroid wagon next !!

That's not true. Only Lake Michigan and Huron are connected at the same elevation. So if Michigan were to dry up Huron would also have to dry up. Well, I suppose they'd split apart at some point.

Every other lake is at a different elevation. Superior is the highest, and Ontario is the lowest. So its not one big lake connected by flat water cuts. Some of them involve significant elevation change.
I grew up in Michigan and still go up to see my parents, I will say there have been several major changes in the lake in the last 30 years. They were worried about beach errosion in the 60's and 70's however the lake was down around 20 feet a few years ago.

Winters used to freeze over much of the lake and pile up the ice on the shore, the Coast Guard decommissioned the last of the true ice breakers a few years back, no real ice out there. I was out on the lake this summer, most times a real warm water temp around Grand Haven is low 70 degree range, it hit low to mid 80 degree temps last summer, the warmest I ever remember swiming in.

I did not see the story but the changes are real out on the big lake......
I grew up in Michigan and still go up to see my parents, I will say there have been several major changes in the lake in the last 30 years. They were worried about beach errosion in the 60's and 70's however the lake was down around 20 feet a few years ago.

Winters used to freeze over much of the lake and pile up the ice on the shore, the Coast Guard decommissioned the last of the true ice breakers a few years back, no real ice out there. I was out on the lake this summer, most times a real warm water temp around Grand Haven is low 70 degree range, it hit low to mid 80 degree temps last summer, the warmest I ever remember swiming in.

I did not see the story but the changes are real out on the big lake......

The temperture durning one summer isint what i would call reliable, especially seeing on the Chicago shore it was 78 degrees, west winds blew in and the next day the water fell into the upper 50's
The currents always change the water temps, however it does not change the fact that what was once endangered shoreline is now large beach areas. While I do not think it is drying up, Lack of rain and snow in the basin has dropped it significantly.