Katrina Forum - when will it end?

Apr 22, 2004
I feel the Katrina forum is starting to take a nose dive in terms of content and heated personal arguments - and I was starting to wonder if there was any plan to perhaps clamp down on the board or perhaps enforcing the usual ban on political and racial threads. I'm sure some will ask for finger pointing - but I'd hope the moderators discretion would make this not needed. Just seems that stepping in now could save trouble for piles of locked threads, etc... if the downward trend continues. While there have been some great and informative threads, there seems to now be a trend toward EEx2 evolving there. Maybe I'm the only one that thinks that though.

I'm with you - I backed off after realizing we're getting MUCH more into politics than any weather (or even recovery) related.
I'll third that. If nothing else, we should at least restrict participation to registered members and begin more strict moderation.

Yes, the heated political debates should end...

I don't mind discussions about FEMA or whatever, but I have seen a few comments like "I doubt Gore would have done any better", "Bush is too busy killing troops in Iraq" (<-- the one was deleted)... And other statemes that only try to provoke a debate. Those are the comments and discussions that need to stop. To be honest, most of those comments are coming from ST members rather than "Guest" or "Anonymous" users.
I'll third that. If nothing else, we should at least restrict participation to registered members and begin more strict moderation.


I agree, it is starting to heat up on the political debates, also the personal attacks by a few are getting out of hand.
Quote by Glen Romine:
While there have been some great and informative threads, there seems to now be a trend toward EEx2 evolving there. Maybe I'm the only one that thinks that though.

You're not the only one, the trend is real. The truth of the matter is that much of the discussion about the aftermath of Katrina has ceased to be even remotely weather-related. That said, I'm not in favor of closing the board down, not yet. The Katrina board continues to be a useful resource for getting the very latest news about the ongoing catastrophe, and as long as that holds true, I think it should stay up.

But I can see the writing on the wall. If the deterioration continues, the forum's days are definitely numbered.
I don't think we close it, but keep the non-members out and PM the members who are going more into fights than weathertalks...
LOL... I have noticed all of these "political" discussions sneaking into the Katrina forum as well. To be honest, I don't think the Katrina forum should be ended just yet... But rather keep most of the political debates outside of it. For instance, the "NAACP" (which I am guilty for even replying to) has been focusing more on civil rights than Katrina.
Coming from international look at it, the Katrina Board/Thread is probably the single best place on the net for information/links on the Katrina Disaster. Leave it up there for a while yet.
Politics will play a role with any disaster. ST is trying to get away from political discussion but this is difficult to do in the Kat thread as just about any topic there will have some sort of political overhang whether it be pre-storm preparartion, gas prices, looting, clean up, rebulding, etc.

Even in our regular forum there are numerous storm chase topics that at the very least are germainly effected by political decisions such as the roads we drive on, speed limits, gas costs, NOAA funding, diversity in meteorology, cell phone driving laws, etc, etc. Remember the Santorum bill? It is very difficult to completely devoid ST of political discussion unless we gut all the forums less the Map Room.
The moderators are discussing this issue. I do agree we are seeing a decline in S/N ratio, and we are evaluating this in light of what is best for the board.

I have seen some deteration in the thread with some politics but I don't know if it's necessary to take away the ability to criticze the governments response to this disaster. Disconnecting the political element is probably easier said then done in this circumstance and closing it off to guests will do little since most of the politically charged posts I've read are from ST members. I'd like to see the thread contintue with guests allowed to post, it's become an incredible one stop shop for information regarding the disaster.
I'll go with that. Pretty much most of this stuff can now be discussed on the B&G. You could lock it but, I do recommend at least archiving it.