I'm not chasing this year but did watch the "Dodge movie" as it was occurring on radar and TWC.
But to comment on an above post, with cheap gas as we have this season, don't exepect chaser numbers to dwindle. I can't comment on wether any of the road blocks were intentional to hamper chaser movement and/or due to legitimate dangers ahead but my take is ... with any slow-moving, long track tornado(s) you can expect LE to have a more active presence in the area, for better or for worse, just due to the extended amount of time for them to act and react.
Maybe the "chaser activity" was well-behaved that day during the peak of the event (overall) but this was a moderate risk day, and was forecasted well in advance, so I imagine LE had a game plan in place at the beginning of the day and it was going to be implemented no matter. I guess what I'm trying to say, if any of these stops were just to irritate and impeded chasers, the plan was probably in place in advance and was orchestrated by local high[er] command. And with that in mind, we can look back on documented problems the the LE community is well aware of regarding prime chase days in the KS, OK area that tends to attract the most activity of professional, amateur, looky-lu's, and every type in between.
I imagine the LE community has a forum similar to this and it would be interesting to find it and see how they discuss the chasers they encounter.
Just my 2 cents.