Just in time for spring! New tag for "storm chasers"

Do you really think that's how life works? There are innocent people who die all of the time in any way you could ever imagine that wouldn't harm a bug. Just because someone dies, doesn't mean in any way, shape, or form that 'god' is striking them down. I would be willing to bet that one or more of the people he scammed has died from cancer or some related illnesses.

I'll put my money down on pure coincidence.

I agree with you, Darin.

I would also add to that by asking what possible evidence exists to support such a claim? None whatsoever.
Wow, $1,500 for 12 weeks is a lot. That tells me right there that these "victims" had plenty of cash to burn. Hell, if they were smart they could have rented out an apartment for an entire year for half the cost. Why were they so anxious to throw their money away on an RV?

...and I obviously don't think the salesman deserved to die. That's a little harsh, no?
Storm chasers? Clumsy choice of words. Most people think of our types when they think of storm chasers; that household perception has been entrenched for quite awhile. Readers might have been a bit confused at first by the article...

I don't think the roofer-tag will stick anyway, maybe for awhile in a locality...let's hope...and eventually someone will think of a clever and more appropriate catch phrase for the con-artist fix-it man. "Storm vulture?" Not quite...let's see...what would you all say?

PS-sidenote; I do believe in the basic principles known as "karma". However my understanding of karma is that it is not a "fate" as it is sometimes thought of, but rather (oversimplifying here-my apologies to Buddhists), a type of cause and effect. I'm sure my knowledge of karma just barely scratches the surface but I understand it to be a sowing & reaping idea rather than a predestination. Karma actually makes a lot of sense to me.
Good day,

OK, sorry about my previous post ... I do not want to start a flame war or anything like that.

Just a bit of superstition that I have is that if one does something to hurt another person (rip-off, steal, lie, etc) ... This little "thing" called karma will take care of what the law could not ;-)

Yes, bad things happen to good people too, to anyone per se. But I strongly believe in a wrong-doing coming back to someone sooner or later.