JavaScript NCEP Model Viewer

Sep 25, 2006
Livonia, MI, USA
Over the weekend I push some finishing touches on my JavaScript based model viewer for the images found at the NCEP. It's in a usable state but I want to clean up the code and perhaps extend it with a server-side component. Take a look at it, play with it, and respond back with comments, questions, or suggestions.
That's pretty sweet.

Perhaps a little left/right arrow buttons beneath the "Hour" boxes so one could peruse a span of time by clicking the arrows, one frame at a time?
That's pretty sweet.

Perhaps a little left/right arrow buttons beneath the "Hour" boxes so one could peruse a span of time by clicking the arrows, one frame at a time?

Click the "?" icon to see keyboard shortcuts. I think he already has built-in what you want to do.
It is a javascript application, so maybe you have javascript turned off in your web browser preferences. See: this document for the particulars.


I have it enabled and have been successfully seeing other javascript applications. I went to the site you provided and followed the directions and confirmed i have it enabled, but the model viewer site is dead for me.:confused: Any of the other myriad of options in the internet zone security that I need to fiddle with?
The error info I get is:

Line: 14
Char: 105
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method
Code: 0
Nice work, Andrew. I like it very much. I'll have to play around with it for a while before I have any suggestions.
The error info I get is:

Line: 14
Char: 105
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method
Code: 0

My solution to these sorts of things is generally: If you are using IE then download and use Firefox. If using Firefox, try IE.
: )

Others would tell you to get Opera. It worked for me with Firefox 3 on Windows XP.
My solution to these sorts of things is generally: If you are using IE then download and use Firefox. If using Firefox, try IE.

Firefox has an extension that lets you use IE inside of Firefox. You just right click the webpage and select "View in IE" and the webpage reloads inside of your Firefox, but it was rendered by IE. Very handy for stuff like this.
Thanks for the link Beau!

I have updated the code to work with IE7, that is, it works on my computer! Test is out and let me know if you have any other problems.