An isallobar is a line of constant pressure change (just as an isotherm is a line of constant temperature, etc). One of the ageostrophic wind components deals with isallobars (and it's called, fittingly, the isallobaric wind):
Visallobaric = - 1 / (rho*f^2) grad (dP/dt)
The important thing to take away from that equation is that the isallobaric wind is proportional to the gradient of pressure changes. So, imagine there are very strong surface pressure falls over Ohio and very strong pressure rises over Indiana, yielding a gradient in pressure change that points to the west, and a isallobaric wind vector that points to the east (accounting for the negative sign). In other words, winds will turn to "point" from the region of max pressure rises to the region of max pressure falls.
Now, the atmosphere will try to adjust to this response. We know that the geo wind tendency (dV/dt) is normal and to the left of the ageo wind. So, in the case above, the isallobaric wind is towards the east, and the adjustment to the geostrophic wind is to the north (note that this takes time -- it does not happen instantaneously!).
OK, so quick overview: Isallobaric wind (a component of the ageostrophic wind, which means that, since we don't allow the geo wind to be divergence, it can be a source for vertical motion if continuity is called) points from max pressure rises to max pressure falls. Around an area of max pressure falls, then, the isallobaric wind will yield convergence near that area of max pressure falls (and divergence in the area of max pressure rises, where the isallobaric winds will point "away" from it). So, if there is a concentrated area of very strong pressure falls next to an area of pressure rises (in other words, an isallobaric couplet of sorts, with a strong gradient in the pressure tendecies), there should be enhanced convergence (and implied vertical motion) nearly collocated with the area of max pressure falls (and divergence / implied subsidence / in the area of max pressure rises).