Is she still annular?

Yeah, I don't know about cooler, but definitely more shallow... Of interest, look at the warm waters just off the FL coast where Charlie struck last year! I wonder if that area of warm waters is what caused such rapid deepening of Charlie... Oh well, back to the topic.

yeah but it seems logical that shallower waters would be warmer than deep waters given the effects of upwelling.
Yeah, I don't know about cooler, but definitely more shallow... Of interest, look at the warm waters just off the FL coast where Charlie struck last year! I wonder if that area of warm waters is what caused such rapid deepening of Charlie... Oh well, back to the topic.

yeah but it seems logical that shallower waters would be warmer than deep waters given the effects of upwelling.

Depth of the warm water is extreme in the Central Gulf (well, was) because the water has recovered nicely since the storms from a month and a half ago. Upwelling is not an issue in this case.