Intimate With Ike

May 22, 2007
Muskogee, OK
Just curious about how many members got to experience Ike first hand? I was fortunate enough to have that chance and did so in Galveston.
Tyler Constantini, Mike Scantlin (both who are members of ST) and myself all witnessed Ike first hand as it came ashore from both Clear Lake, Tx (at the Hilton across from the Space Center) and then later that night from the theater district and streets of downtown Houston.

Chris Collura and myself were all over Galveston, TX for hurricane Ike. I know there were other chasers there too.
I was there with David Drummond on Galveston Island where we rode out the storm including the dead-calm eye. It was quite an experience to say the least. Here is my picture album:

We saw and met Warren Faidley, George Kourounis, Chris Collura and Jason Foster and I believe Reed Timmer and crew at a distance. We also hung out with the gang at the Poop Deck too which was fun. :-) Sorry we missed you, Stuart, along with the others.
Chris and I did run into Jim Reed there too. Along the seawall when we first arrived in Galveston.
I live in Houston, so naturally I was there.
I am ashamed that I did not take any pictures or video of it.
I should have since videography/photography is one of my hobbies.
I stayed glued to my ham radio most of the time, monitoring all communications.
Ike Photos

I rode out Ike at the Hilton Clear Lake as a producer for CBN news. I was on semester break from medical school and it was great to get back out in the weather!

Posted several photographs to my Flickr account:

We ventured in and out of Galveston prior to and after the storm. The highlight was doing a live shot via a web cam and Verizon wireless Internet connection when the ABC News satellite truck got cold feet and left Galveston before our hit. There are a couple of photos in the Ike set on Flickr that show how we did the live shot.
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I was there along with Randy Denzer & Josh Jans.

I rode through the eyewall just south of Hitchcock, TX on highway 6.