Impressive thundersnow!

Feb 3, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
Mods feel free to move this if you think it should have been in a reports thread.

In the last hour here in Omaha about a dozen flashes of lightning, thunderstorm wind gusts to 40mph with heavy snow. I am estimating about an 1.5 to 2" of snow has fallen just in the last hour. We are experiencing white out conditions at times.:) All local schools and universities have closed for today.

A quick update, here in Omaha we it's still snowing but should be coming to an end soon. Between 5:30AM and 11:30AM we received 10 to 12" and winds are now sustained 36 gusts to 50mph. That is an average snow rate of almost 2" per hour for the entire 6 hour period!
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