I'm a long time lurker newbie

  • Thread starter Doreen Michelle Henry
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Doreen Michelle Henry

I lurked many months before I signed up. I had many problems signing up and after exhausting all of my initials and other parts of my name I've ended up using my entire name. I really hate it though.

I'm a mom of 3 boys who has been a storm chaser with my dad since I was 5. I gave it up in 91 when I had my first son but I'm looking to get involved in chasing in 2 years. For now I'm happy to just read what others have done and look at the pretty pictures.

I'm trying not to get excited about Tuesdays storm possiblity here in MI but I can't help it. The last good storm I saw here in Leslie MI was in June 95 when straight line winds knocked down so many trees the Leslie firedepartment came knocking on our door to see if we were ok.

My father (he was the meteorologist for channel 10 in Lansing in 1973) calls me the weather witch because storms seem to go around me. I can expand upon this later if anyone cares *lol*.

Even though you don't know me I feel that I know a lot of you very well because of my dilligent reading over the past few years. I really enjoy your posts and I weep when someone dies or is hurt and I'm more than thrilled to view your sucesses.

I probably won't post much just like I have not in the past unless something exciting happens around here because I know this is a forum for serious storm chasers, not those of us who just watch.

Doreen Henry

Leslie, MI
Originally posted by Doreen Michelle Henry
I know this is a forum for serious storm chasers, not those of us who just watch.

Nonsense, Doreen!

Welcome (formally) to ST, we're glad to have you, and I can't believe you feel that way, having read as many of the posts as you have!

Feel at ease with making more posts, but if you want to go back into lurking mode, that's cool, too!

Originally posted by Doreen Michelle Henry

I probably won't post much just like I have not in the past unless something exciting happens around here because I know this is a forum for serious storm chasers, not those of us who just watch.

I certainly and sincerely hope that you won't consider going back to lurking mode or feel that your posts aren't as important or equal to "serious" stormchasers as you put it. I consider anybody serious about it if you are here posting and seeking to exchange or share knowlege, ideas and/or opinions regarding stormchasing. :)

I'm not really keeping an eye on the systems up there that far north, but I know there are several chasers in your area that might be as excited as you are about the upcoming system.

Welcome to ST! :)
Thank you for the welcome.

When I first tried to register here in January or earlier 2004 I got no response so I tried again a few months later and didn't even see where to submit my essay about why I wanted to join ST. I tried again for the 3rd time and after a month later I was finally accepted. Perhaps you can see why I was under the impression this was not open to just anyone.

I didn't want to join because I had nothing to offer to any of the storm chasers but when Target went to members only I had no choice. I bugged one of the members here for weeks about my problem. I think it was one of the Aarons. He was very kind and told me that the administrators wanted more participation so that's why Target Area was members only. Of course that went against everything I had read and believed about ST. I just wanted to read what Dewey and the other Michiganders had to say about my area :D

When I say I had nothing to offer that is not quite true. Some may remember last year when 4 inch hail was reported in Rives Jct or Tompkins. I went out the next day to look for damage and saw nothing. Not even leaves blown/knocked down. I would have liked to have been able to submit my observation then. I also would like to join in the complaining about how horrible the storms have been in MI this year. I might just die of boredom.

I must say I enjoy all the posts about the hurricanes. I'm always dissapointed when there are no new posts to read.

This is the best weather site. I've learned so much.

I want to reply to Doreen briefly, and everyone else who does not have "TA" posting privileges, about the unfortunate reality of the TA rules. I know it makes me guilty of hijacking the thread. Mods, go right ahead and delete this if you deem it appropriate...

When we're out chasing, spare time is non-existent. Also, many chasers use TA to get data/info that may make the difference between being where they need to be or not; being safe or not; getting crucial storm reports to the local NWSFO's or not, and lives are at stake. Melodramatic? Possibly, but I know it to be true.

It is imperative that TA be kept "clean" from clutter so that chasers in the field have the ability to actually read the posts.

If everyone would always remember and abide this, it wouldn't be necessary to limit participation in TA to pre-approved chasers, but people don't. It's bad enough as it is the way even the most conscientious members sometimes slip/forget, including Yours Truly.

Nobody should take it personally. It's just a vitally necessary evil.

...and I'm done saying my 2c without even using the "E" word, heehee.

Welcome to ST, Doreen 8)

Originally posted by Doreen Michelle Henry
Some may remember last year when 4 inch hail was reported in Rives Jct or Tompkins.

Yeah, I know the exact event your talking about. It was reported by the local Fire Department, and it was exaggerated and false. The fireman later admitted to getting "excited" and reporting the .75" inch hail as softball sized, and it was never corrected - and went into the record books, sadly screwing up the climo forever.
Welcome Doreen... My mothers name is Doreen as well. We look forward to your posts. All anyone needs is a love of weather to find this board to be home :D
I want to reply to Doreen briefly, and everyone else who does not have \"TA\" posting privileges, about the unfortunate reality of the TA rules. I know it makes me guilty of hijacking the thread. Mods, go right ahead and delete this if you deem it appropriate...

At the time I tried to join it was because I couldn't even read the TA. I really have no intention of posting in TA. When I first started reading TA years ago it was open for everyone to read and then during the height of our storms it was changed to members only then later was changed back for everyone to read.

Originally posted by nickgrillo+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nickgrillo)</div>
Welcome to ST, Doreen 8)

<!--QuoteBegin-Doreen Michelle Henry
Some may remember last year when 4 inch hail was reported in Rives Jct or Tompkins.

Yeah, I know the exact event your talking about. It was reported by the local Fire Department, and it was exaggerated and false. The fireman later admitted to getting "excited" and reporting the .75" inch hail as softball sized, and it was never corrected - and went into the record books, sadly screwing up the climo forever.[/b]

What a shame. It's very typical of the people in my area. We get so little severe weather that a 45mph gust is inflated to 70mphs and people start saying they saw tornadoes.

I'm putting together a severe weather presentation for my 5th graders class at White Pine Academy in Leslie. It's amazing how ignorant kids are of the weather. I'll never forget when the science teacher (she's no longer there) commented on a rainbow that was absolutely huge and complete. My 3rd grader said something to her about the size of the rainbow depends on the position of the sun in the sky. The middle school science teacher admitted that she did not know. :roll:

Originally posted by Tom Burgess
Welcome Doreen... My mothers name is Doreen as well. We look forward to your posts. All anyone needs is a love of weather to find this board to be home :D

Your poor mother :p Doreen is a family name on my dad's side. There were 5 of us Doreens 4 of us are Doreen Henry's. I guess my dad's family lacked a bit of creativity. His dad was George Sr. and my dad is George Jr. It did get a bit confusing during holiday visits.

Thank you for the welcome.

Your poor mother Doreen is a family name on my dad's side. There were 5 of us Doreens 4 of us are Doreen Henry's. I guess my dad's family lacked a bit of creativity. His dad was George Sr. and my dad is George Jr. It did get a bit confusing during holiday visits

I bet.. :) Only one in my family.She is 80 years old and still lives by herself and does quite well.

Welcome to the Asylum :lol:

It doesn't matter whether you chase or not, StormTrack is for all who have true passions for weather and/or chasing.

You're JUST like me...I'm the same kind of Stormtrack member too! I post once in a while but mostly read. I am in absolutely no position to chase since I have a 6, 11, and 12 year old..but hope to someday. I also don't exactly live in "chase country" here in heavily wooded Northern MN. But I have been a spotter for several years and a weather buff forever!
Ditto here. Three young kids (3 year old twin girls, 4 month old girl) that I stay at home with part-time and work part-time, I'm in no position to chase until they get older. I post a few times here and there, but I prefer reading as I've learned a lot about weather forecasting as I lurked long before registering.
I'm also a newbie here at ST. I don't chase storms, I usually "spot" them. The roads in my area + all the trees and hills can make chasing a chore. Roads in my area are generally curvy and not laid out in a grid like out west.
I have had a passion for weather since I was about 9 years old.