
Jan 8, 2006
West Hollywood, CA
I just launched iCyclone.com, the Website devoted to my hurricane chasing activities. Check it out: www.icyclone.com.

Most of the current site content is about Hurricane Wilma, as that was the first chase I really documented thoroughly. I’ll cover future chases in a similar fashion—so the site content will increase with time. Re: Wilma, there is abundant photo, video, and written content.

The Chase Diary is an archived version of my online blogging during my Wilma chase. This version includes plentiful images that turn the blog into a storybook narrative of the chase. It’s clearly organized by time, so you can skip to the good parts—i.e., 8:00 am on the 24th, when things got crazy.

Note the Chase Study—a post-mortem report on my Wilma chase, including a discussion of goals, tactics, challenges, first-hand observations, and plenty of maps, diagrams, and images. (Note: for hardcore chaser geeks only. :D) I’m acquiring some portable weather-station equipment, so future iCyclone Chase Studies will include barometric and—hopefully—wind data.

Most importantly, I’ll keep a blog during the hurricane season, and during chases I’ll post up-to-the-minute updates from the road via my mobile devices.

Re: products... Yes, I’m actually going to sell stuff off this Website. The first iCyclone product will be the WILMA 2005 360report, an interactive-multimedia piece combining lots of video footage from my chase, satellite shots, radar imagery, and other content into a cool, in-depth look at Wilma's Gulf coast landfall. (In stores soon! :p)

Feedback is of course welcome…