Morgan Palmer
I wanted to move this out of the Ivan threads and start a new issue... that being insurance in Hurricane zones. My comments below quote.
So, how darned expensive is insurance in New Orleans, and places like that? My sister lives in Valrico FL, near Tampa and rents a large house. Stupid rules would allow her to get renters' insurance in an apartment or a duplex, but she cannot get insurance in her single family home.
That's insane.
Originally posted by B Ozanne
I may be wrong but I see it differently. If the ocean floods into NO and the lake floods into the downtown area, there will be one huge torrent of water from the flooding Mississippi and lake. The river will continue to make it's way to the ocean via the flooded areas.
I stand by my filthy lake theory. The surge/river would top the levee a few feet at a time. Right next to the levee it would rush in, but the city would slowly flood as the pumps could not keep up with the ocean. In New Orleans my guess is that the old Miss barely flows at all, maybe just a few knots, not a roaring mountain river. After the storm the surge receeds and the river lowers leaving water in New Orleans to the top of the levees. The pumps are down because they were inundated and the water trickles out the storm drains by gravity. At -7 feet, gravity would only empty New Orleans until the water levels equalized with the lake/river. The pumps would be needed to pump out the last 7 feet of water.
This is all moot as New Orleans is "low and dry" at this time.
So, how darned expensive is insurance in New Orleans, and places like that? My sister lives in Valrico FL, near Tampa and rents a large house. Stupid rules would allow her to get renters' insurance in an apartment or a duplex, but she cannot get insurance in her single family home.
That's insane.