Hurricane Chaser Earns MSNBC Week in Pictures Honors

Jim Reed

Hurricane chaser Mike Theiss' dramatic image of a large wave striking two women on a pier at Key West, Florida during Hurricane Dennis on July 8 is spotlighted this week on MSNBC's The Week in Pictures (July 7-14). Thousands of photojournalists and photographers from all over the world compete for the weekly honor. Readers then get to vote for their favorite image.

To support Mike, visit Watch the slide show and then vote. If his image receives the most votes by July 21, it advances to the Pictures of the Year competition held in December. Titled "Surf's Up!" by MSNBC editors, the photo is honored along with images submitted by Getty and the Associated Press.

This is the second time this season a storm chaser has been recognized. Mike Hollingshead was honored May 12-19.

Congratulations Mike T!
Looks like it may have a tough time this week. Mike H's picture blew away the competition, but honestly I was more impressed with some of the other pictures (Tour de France and the Israeli soldier come to mind) this week. That said, nice shot... wish I was there!

I like the one of Benard Ebbers, former CEO of World Com Inc. crying like a little girl after being handed down a 25 year prison sentence for the $11 BILLION fraud he was in on. I wonder if he will get shacked up with the former TYCO bosses...