HP Laptop problem

So it's been 1 month and 1 day since I started this thread...and the saga continues. For the last 5 hours (tonight) I've had the pleasure of doing a full system restore on my now almost 6 week old HP notebook. I've got all the key programs and subscriptions back up and running, but still need to reconfig the e-mail and my personal junk/settings. Has anyone experienced the symptom below and know what it could be? I know the solution, but don't know what caused it.

Last night I had been working with it in the house and out in the car with a power inverter I had just bought, and it shut down cleanly last night. This afternoon I'm at work and try to boot it up. I get the initial HP logo, get the windows xp loading, and then blank screen, it won't go to my desktop. It appears the notebook did find the wireless connection at the office based on the indicator light on the front of the notebook. I do a hard shut down, and try the HP quick play. Works perfectly. Tells me the battery strength, the mouse works fine, display is normal, I can navigate the player controls no problem, etc. Shut that off, try to boot it up, same as before, back to the blank screen. I make several attempts to get it to safe mode to try and do a clean shut down, no luck, I get stuck at where it runs the list of partitioning the drivers and it won't go any further. I even talked one our IT techs to look at it. He had it run a hard drive check, everything came back fine. He did not want to dig to far in so he would not void my warranty. Called HP, can't get to safe mode, they say system restore, and here I am.

Fortunately I had backed up everything a week ago, so the worst I am out is a few hours of my time but I'm just a little freaked out about such a weird (to me) problem.
I had a very similar frustration with halting -- on an HP laptop also, as it happened. Through Google searches and trial-and-error, I finally diagnosed the problem as an internet daemon trying to connect to the Intuit Mothership left over from an old version of Quicken and managed to erase the offensive file. It's possible that one of the bazillion freebees and offers that get loaded with the original image is behaving badly.

FWIW, I've gotten good use out of MEPIS Linux. You get it as a self-contained distribution CD and you can boot the computer with it right to the KDE desktop without touching the Windoze partition in any way. Once there you can mount the C: partition and offload files you want to save. It also means the basic hardware is working ok.