Tony Laubach
I'm sitting here laughing at the people 'feeling sick' because they couldn't chase. My goodness, it's only March. Can't chase every big day every time.
'Class screwed me,' 'work screwed me,'....aren't these things just a bit more important than chasing? Last I checked, there's less than a half dozen people who make a living off chasing/weather. Heck, I feel very fortunate to be going to school and have a good job at the same timeI'll take what I can get when the semester ends.
I'll laugh at myself as time passes... most of us do. I've watched many a chases come and go and simply said "Damn, I wish I were there for that" and that's all she wrote. So I certainly haven't chased every big day every time, nor do I worry about doing so.
Not as easy to swallow when its a few hours from home... easier to deal with when its half a country away. It does sting, and for a few of us who don't make a living off this and work year around to get out when they can and pay for it out of our own pockets, its sometimes hard to watch something so close to home realizing you're missing out because you're stuck in a two hour class listening to a man talk about forcing. Trust me, I wouldn't be batting an eye if this happened up in Wisconsin.

I'll get over it, we all will. But in the meantime, it sucks! I'll exercise my right to bitch and moan just like any other human being is entitled, then I'll pick myself up, dust myself off, and go at it again on the next run. You bitching 'bout me bitching just makes us both bitchy!