How realistic was the movie "Twister"?

Hey, that would make a great bumper sticker for chasers:

"I'll cap a bust on your ass!"

It's interesting, I hesitate to admit, that some things in chasing lately have vindicated a few of Twister's extravagances.

For instance, multiple-tornado days (3 or more) for chasers seem to be pretty common the past 3 years or so. And with WxWorx, we've got 'satellite com-link with nexrad realtime'.
The Movie Twister

It just proves to show that Hollywood thinks they know it all by making a really bad weather movie. Everything's fake like their actors. I feel sorry for there makeup intoxicated minds. 8)
Overall I like the movie even though it’s corny. At least it’s about tornadoes (instead of something that doesn’t interest me like basketball). The top absurdities IMO:

1. Getting so close to tornadoes (including being in the middle of an F5) without getting injured or even dirt in your eyes.
2. Experienced chasers paying no attention to what’s developing and then running helter skelter to get to the tornado (or away from it at the drive-in).
3. Yelling stuff like “they’re in the core!†when they weren’t.
4. No busts, in fact most of their tornado encounters turned into near death experiences.
5. Driving all the way through the middle of a house.
6. Setting out on a chase because the sky turned green.
Originally posted by Jim Bishop
LOL! I'm trying to think of something in that movie that actually was realistic......still thinking....

Got it. They make it seem like common practive for researchers to make fun of the weatherman on TV. In the real world this actually has some truth!

Also...John Deere tractors can and DO become airborne...
I'd like to see everyone get their wish for a day. All movies suddenly become realistic. Then maybe people would get it.

I still maintain that people who have to keep on bashing Twister nearly a decade later are simply afraid that, if they don't point out obvious flaws, other people will think they're stupid. This kind of falls into the same vein as my earlier observations/opinions on the state of the ST board and my loathing of purely science-driven posting: why can't people allow themselves to be entertained instead of always having to constantly "keep it real"? We all know the movie's a joke technically, c'mon. Just like Day After Tomorrow. We know it's wrong, but just sit your a** down in the chair, buy some f-ing popcorn, forget the maproom and all your peers, and enjoy yourself.

I remember that thread last year where people were trying to get a bunch of met folks into the same screening of Tomorrow just to make fun of it. I'd like to get a bunch of Hollywood producers together to make fun of these people going out on a Saturday night. I'm sure both attempts at the genuine article would be equally-amusing to both observing parties.
As a meteorologist, I have to say that even though there are flaws, I still love Twister. I love the Day After Tomorrow too!! These movies at least are about the things I love. Movies are not always realistic, but they allow you to see the things you love on the big screen.

I'm afraid to ask dumb questions here, but I'm also afraid that if I don't post often enough, I'll be kicked out. I am a meteorologist, so as I understand it, I am allowed to stay for now. I hope to contribute to the board, but with the severe lack of storms here, I have little to comment on.

I have learned a lot here, and I hope to learn more in the future!