How Many Overseas Chasers........

Mar 15, 2007
Essex - UK
Don't think this thread has ever come up before and as it says on the tin just how many Chasers are making the annual pilgramige to the Great Plains this year, would be great to see just how many of us there are and what dates you favour and for that instance how long you will be out for.

It will be good to see how many different countries will be represented.

After doing 35 days during 2007,2008 and 2009 I am out for 47 days this year from April 26th until June 10th.

Paul S
Interesting Question actually
I can only really guess as to the amount of over seas chasers who regularly chase every year
Discounting the Canadians I would say the following based on my own experience
Brits - seems to be a fair few of them (myself included) make up the bulk of over seas travellers.
Italians - never spoken to them but always seem to see the thunderstorm.IT?? chase team / tour out every year.
Germans - never seen out (Personally) - but really do I suspect that Germany TORDAQ members chase in the USA often.
France - not seen.
Australia - (Long way to travel) - but normally seen as part of a tour. Same with Qz
Japan / china - Nope.
Africa (perhaps one chaser I know), Russia, India - no show!
if pushed, I would say that there are only 100 over seas chasers who chase seriously - compared to 1250+ USA chasers.
nothing to back up these figure - just me best guess :)
Usually a chaser or two from New Zealand makes it over there. In 2007 there was 7 of us. I'm chasing in May this year for a couple of weeks, which will be my 5th season over there.
Denmark will be represented by "Chase Team Denmark" again this year.
It's our 5th year stormchasing in a row, and to our knowledge we are the only danes going stormchasing in USA.
We will be out 3 weeks from april 28th to may 20.

Thomas Dolmer Nielsen, CTD
Yes, this will be my fifth chasecation on the Plains, after 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2006. This time I will be joined by two colleagues/friends and we will be chasing between May 10 and June 1st.

There happen to be quite a few Dutchies on the Plains each year. The Meteo Consult (MeteoGroup) chaseteam visits every year since 1996.

I did encounter someone from France last year who was filming a documentary about storm chasing.

Don't forget Olivier Staiger who has been out chasing for years either on his own or with tour groups. I think he is helping with Extreme Tornado Tours. Olivier is from Switzerland.

I have heard that many of the chase tours have large international participation.

Bill Hark
Italians - never spoken to them but always seem to see the thunderstorm.IT?? chase team / tour out every year.

Ehi Stu, you are a forgetful:) I met you in 2008 at a gas station, probably on May 13th in Duncan, Ok. It was a great bust with Tiv, Dow and a lotta other chasers. I discussed with you and Roger about the terrible synoptic setup of that day.

We have a team chasing this year in the Plains. Our site is

We chase in T.Alley by 2003.
Yes Quite a few From Australia coming over this year from late April till Mid June

I will be coming over May 4th till June 15th was over last year as well

Hoping this year is solid

Also another group or 2 of Aussie coming over in mid May
I did encounter someone from France last year who was filming a documentary about storm chasing.
That was Felix Bassous from France - he went with many chasing teams and tours during 66 days in 2008. Unfortunatly during the time he was with us, it was the days with the ridge prior to the Quinter event.

The documentary he did is mostly about storm chasers. He also wrote a book about it.

Here's the link for the movie trailer :

And the website (in french) :
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Coming from NZ/Australia and being so far away means you want to chase as loooong as freaking possible! It's normally quite expensive to get to the United States but thanks to deregulation of the Australia-LAX route, air fares have cut in half since 2008.

Always lots of Brits about, mainly in tours though...
Never met a Scandinavian on the plains..
The swiss guys are usually visible..
Met a couple of Germans, but only in 07...
Bumped into a group of Dutchies in a small Kansas town in green uniform interestingly.
Never met a group from Asia and likewise from France.

Can't forget meeting and always seeing those friendly Italians either!! ;)
April 25th to May 19th this year for the second time. I did the trip in 2008 with five other german guys, guided by an experienced german chaser (he has been there for 5 times in a row and knows his stuff as far as I am concerned). This time it´s only me and my best friend, who is a firsttimer by the way. I´m really curious about seeing his face when he encounters his first supercell:eek:

The german guy I went with in 2008 will be chasing with a group of 10 this seems that more and more german stormchasers are getting interested.

I also know two other swiss teams, which will be chasing from around May 1th.

It´s getting kind of crowded:D